No. 128.
Mr. Denby
to Mr. Bayard.
Legation of
the United States,
Peking, September 29, 1886.
(Received November 15.)
No. 212.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith a
translation of the reply of the Tsung-li yamên to my communication of
September 14, relating to the Chungking riot, and my answer to their
The yamên set out a report from the governor-general, wherein he asserts that
the buildings of the American missionaries interfered with the feng shui and
excited the people.
The yamên observes that in the eastern part of Szechuan the Chinese and the
native converts have gotten on badly together; that the present affair was a
surprise; that the local authorities desired but were unable to afford
protection, and that, in view of the events which transpire in western
countries, my charge that the conduct of the authorities showed willful
neglect of duty is too severe. The yamên states that an imperial decree has
already been issued to investigate the matter and do justice.
In my answer to this communication I combat the idea that the riot originated
because the American missionaries had built in an improper place, I show, by
quoting from the proclamations of the local magistrate, that they had not
interfered with the feng shui, and that this charge against them is an
afterthought. And I express the hope that in both countries these
difficulties are temporary. * * *
[Page 164]
It will be seen from the perusal of the communication of the yamên that it is
couched in phraseology which is very non-committal. There is no distinct
intimation that damages will be paid. * * *
For the present the yamên has declined to issue passports to foreigners to
visit Chungking, on the plea that it would be dangerous. I have not
acquiesced in this determination so far as commercial travelers are
concerned, but am insisting that passports be issued.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
The Tsung-li yamên to Mr.
Peking, September 23,
Your Excellency: Upon the 14th of September the
prince and ministers had the honor to receive your excellency’s
communication in relation to the loss of property belonging to the
American missionaries at Chungking, wherein you asked for redress for
the same, and requested that measures be taken, as may be necessary, for
their protection, as well as prevent the recurrence of similar outrages
in future, etc.
With reference to this case the acting governor-general of Szechuan, Yu,
presented a report bearing upon it some time ago, as follows:
The English and American missionaries acquired property and erected
buildings thereon in the Pa district. This interfered with the feng
shui, and was not in harmony with the public feeling. In consequence, a
largo concourse of persons passed to and from the place. It was observed
that a foreign lady was carrying a gun for the purpose of frightening
the people, which act incurred their displeasure and led to a
disturbance between them. Afterwards the crowd disappeared. This was at
the time of the military examinations, and the local authorities,
fearing lest trouble would likely follow, admonished the missionaries to
temporarily suspend work.
Unexpectedly the people [assembled together] in great numbers; this
produced a grave condition of affairs, which afterwards assumed such an
excessively excited aspect as to render it difficult for the local
authorities to suppress [the temper of the crowd] and the buildings and
houses of the foreigners were destroyed. Fortunately the missionaries
were all protected and not injured. At present prompt measures are being
taken to investigate and take action in the premises.
The prince and ministers would observe that it appears that in the
eastern part of the province of Szechuan (Chuan Tung) the temper and
general feeling of the people are passionate and imperious, and hitherto
the Chinese and native converts have not lived together harmoniously.
The present affair, however, was a surprise and assumed an aspect as
though the country was in a state of rebellion. While the local
authorities were desirous of according protection [to the missionary
property] they found that they were powerless to do so. This state of
affairs happens rather too often in western countries, and your
excellency’s observation in regard to a “willful failure on the part of
the local authorities to furnish aid and protection (to the
missionaries) which the treaties call for,” seems to the prince and
ministers as a needlessly severe criticism.
An imperial decree has already been issued from the throne instructing
the governor-general of Szechuan to carefully and minutely investigate
the case and to deal with it in accordance with justice and equity; and,
as a matter of course, that officer will surely understand all the
circumstances attending it and render satisfactory aid. When the
governor-general’s report has been received the prince and minister will
again address your excellency.
A necessary communication in reply, etc.
[Inclosure 2 in No. 212.]
Mr. Denby to the
Tsung-li yamên.
Your Imperial Highness and Your
Upon the 23d September instant I had the honor to receive the reply of
your Imperial highness and your excellencies to my communication
touching the loss of property of the citizens of the United States at
Chungking, wherein your imperial highness
[Page 165]
and your excellencies give a copy of the report of
the acting governor-general concerning the alleged cause of the riot,
together with a statement that an imperial decree has issued from the
throne instructing the governor-general to investigate the case and to
deal with it in accordance with justice and equity.
I return thanks for the assurances given in your communication and for
the general tone of justice which pervades it. But you will permit me to
remark that, in my opinion, too much stress is laid upon the idea that
Americans had erected buildings in improper places.
I have before me a copy of the magistrate’s reply to certain petitioners
before the riot, as well as copies of proclamations issued by that
officer after the riot. From the former (issued some days before) I make
the following extracts:
“This thing of the Americans purchasing and building is in accordance
with the treaties. When the work was begun I went myself to investigate
things. They had not disturbed a single stone or in any way injured the
geomantic influence of the place. This is sufficient witness that they
understood things.” * * * “To wait, until after the sale to object is
not equitable.” * * * “If there were indeed any injury from building in
these places I, the local magistrate, would long ago have investigated
it and forbidden them.”
In a proclamation issued by the magistrate, dated July 2, he says:
“These foreigners are building houses in accordance with permission given
in the treaties.”
After the riot this same magistrate, in another proclamation, dated the
3d of July, uses the following language:
“It (the trouble) arose because the Americans at O Hsiang Ching,
Liang-feng-Ya, and Tsung-Shu-Pai—three places—were building houses and
usurping important places controlling the feng shui.”
These utterances are entirely contradictory and look to me as if an
effort were made to throw the blame of the riot on the Americans, which
is not in accordance with just conduct. As your Imperial highness and
your excellencies pertinently remark, sudden riots will occur in all
countries. They are a part of the labor troubles that have, notably in
recent months, prevailed in many countries. I believe that this
condition of things is temporary, and I have the highest confidence that
the wisdom and love of justice which so eminently belong to your
Imperial highness and your excellencies will find a remedy for such
lamentable occurrences in China, as I believe that my Government will in
the United States.
Your Imperial highness and your excellencies ascribe the riot at
Chungking partly to jealousy between the Chinese and native converts.
Such jealousy can hardly exist against native converts to any of the
religious creeds represented by Americans, as such converts are probably
not numerous enough to attract attention.
I have, etc.,