No. 124.
Mr. Roberts to Mr. Bayard.
Legation of
the United States,
Santiago, September 9, 1887.
(Received October 14.)
No. 153.]
Sir: The remains of Judson Kilpatrick, formerly
United States minister in Chili, will be taken by the night train from here
to Valparaiso, from whence they will be conveyed by steamer to-morrow, via
Panama, to the United States for final interment. The widow, Mrs.
Kilpatrick, and her children will accompany the remains.
I inclose copy of a note I addressed to the minister of foreign relations, at
the request of Mrs. Kilpatrick, and a translation of his reply; also a
translation of the minister’s invitation to attend the obsequies to be held
at the cathedral.
I attended, accompanied by the secretary of legation, the services at the
chapel, and also accompanied the remains to the railroad depot.
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 153.]
Mr. Roberts to
Señor Amunátegui.
Legation of the United States,
Santiago, August 4,
Sir: I learn that Señora Kilpatrick intends to
remove the remains of her late husband, General Judson Kilpatrick,
formerly minister of the United States to Chili, from the cemetery here
for transportation to the United States for final interment.
I would ask that your excellency’s Government extend to her all the
necessary facilities to carry out her kind intentions, and beg to thank
in advance for any courtesies that may be extended to her by your
Government in the matter.
Renewing to your excellency the assurance, etc.,
[Page 158]
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Señor Amunátegui to
Mr. Roberts.
Ministry of Foreign Relations.,
Santiago, September 6,
Sir: My Government, desirous of paying to the
memory of the illustrious General Judson Kilpatrick the homage due him,
not alone on account of his personal merits, but also for having twice
represented the Government of the United States in Chili, has issued the
necessary orders that his remains be removed with the honor due them
torn Santiago to Valparaiso.
On Thursday next, the 8th instant, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, the
remains of General Kilpatrick will be brought from the cemetery of this
city to the cathedral.
On Friday, the 9th, after the celebration of the funeral obsequies at 10
o’clock in the forenoon in that church, in the presence of the minister
of state, the ministers of the diplomatic body, and the officers of the
army residing in Santiago, they will be taken with military honors to
the railroad station.
In the night train of that same day they will be conducted in a funeral
car, with an escort of honor, under the command of one of the
aides-de-camp of the President of the Republic, to the port of
Valparaiso, where they will be embarked on Saturday with the usual
All these ceremonies have been arranged in accord with the widow, Mrs.
Renewing, etc.,
[Inclosure 3 in No.
Señor Amunátegui to
Mr. Roberts.
Ministry of Foreign Relations,
Santiago, September 6,
Sir: The widow of the former envoy
extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States of
America in Chili, General Judson Kilpatrick, having determined to remove
to their native land the remains of her late husband, services will be
held on the occasion in the cathedral church on next Friday, the 9th
instant, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon.
Afterwards the remains of General Kilpatrick will be conducted to the
railroad station with the usual honors.
I have the honor to invite the legation under your worthy charge in order
that you and the persons composing it may please, if so disposed, to be
present at said services.
Renewing, etc.,