No. 121.
Mr. Roberts to Mr. Bayard.
Santiago, December 31, 1886. (Received March 8, 1887.)
Sir: Since writing my dispatch of the 28th, No. 112, the Asiatic cholera has appeared in a small village in Chili named Calle Santa Maria. It is located at the foot of the Cordilleras, at the entrance of the Upsillata pass over the mountains to Mendoza, ill the Argentine, where the disease has been raging with great violence. Calle Santa Maria is about 10 miles east of San Felipe and about 50 miles north-east of Santiago. Seventeen deaths occurred there up to last night, and the Government has sent troops to form a military cordon around the infected district Extensive preparations are being made here and in Valparaiso to combat the disease should it make its appearance.
I have, etc.,