No. 10.
Mr. Hanna
to Mr. Bayard.
Legation of
the United States,
Ayres, March 12, 1887. (Received April
No. 75.]
Sir: As will be seen by the accompanying
correspondence, embraced in inclosures 1 and 2, I have the honor to inform
you cholera has disappeared, that the ports have been reopened, and that
clean bills of health are again issued without hinderance to the entire
marine service. The land is filled with joy, and business has resumed its
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Mr. Costa to Mr.
Department of Foreign Affairs,
Buenos Ayres, March 10,
Mr. Minister: I have the satisfaction to
apprise your excellency the minister of the interior informs me, by note
of this date, that the cholera epidemic, which has disturbed some
localities of the Republic during the last three months, has
The health authorities will give clean bills of health to all ships which
sail from our ports.
Hoping that your excellency will have the kindness to transmit said
notice to the Government you so worthily represent, I improve the
occasion to extend the assurances of my distinguished consideration.
[Inclosure 2 in No. 75.]
Mr. Hanna to Mr.
Ayres, March 12,
Mr. Minister: I have the honor to acknowledge
the receipt of your communication of the 10th instant, furnishing the
joyful intelligence that the cholera epidemic has disappeared from your
shores, and that ships leaving Argentine ports would be given clean
bills of health.
These facts will be at once transmitted to my Government, and I assure
you the intelligence will cause very widespread rejoicing.
I have, etc.,