References are to document numbers
- Aaron, David L.:
- analysis of developments in Horn of Africa, 87
- Army Corps of Engineers study in Somalia, 91
- covert actions, 103
- Horn of Africa Working Group, 94
- illegal transfer of Saudi arms to Somalia, 58
- meetings:
- message to Mengistu, 73, 74
- Ogaden War, 58, 62
- U.S. Horn of Africa policy, 55
- visit to Ethiopia, 54, 58, 62, 87
- Abate, Atnafu, 2
- Abdi Duale, Brig. Gen. Adan, 101
- Addou, Abdullahi Ahmed:
- Afar people, 10, 95
- Afars and Issas (TFAI). See Djibouti.
- Africa, 29, 43, 85, 86
- African Liberation Committee (OAU), 84
- Agency for International Development (AID):
- agreements, international:
- Air Force, U.S., 95
- aircraft:
- airlifts, 35, 36, 37, 53
- Algeria, 39, 79, 84
- Alireza, Ali Abdullah, 82, 83
- Amin Dada, Idi, 20, 94
- Andom, Lt. Gen. Anam Michael, 10
- Angola:
- Cuban military forces in, 52, 62, 65, 84
- Ford Administration as impacted by, 54
- French role in, 54
- refugees from, 85
- South African role in, 54
- Soviet involvement in, 10, 59, 66
- Tunney Amendment as affecting U.S. actions in, 54, 65
- U.S. covert action in, 52
- U.S. support for UNITA, 36
- Zambian role in, 83
- Ansar, 10, 29
- apartheid, 65, 66
- Arab League, 58, 77
- Armacost, Michael, 55
- arms embargo, 27
- Arms Export Control Act (1976), 21
- arms transfers:
- Army, U.S. Department of, 95
- Army Corps of Engineers, 89, 90, 91, 92, 98, 99
- Assab, 10, 26, 36, 59, 84, 87
- Ayalew Mandefro, Ato, 41, 47
- Aaron, David L.:
- Bahrain, 95
- balance of payments, 105
- Bante, Teferi, 2, 10
- Baron, Frederick D., 37
- Barrows, W., 9
- Bartholomew, Reginald, 55, 85, 87, 105
- Bass, Kenneth, 37, 103
- Berbera, 62, 96, 97, 100, 107, 109
- Bergus, Donald C., 94
- Berhane, Deressa, 57
- Berhanu Bayeh, 57
- Bessmertnykh, A.A., 85
- Beyer, Gordon, 92, 94
- Blechman, Barry, 89
- Bongo, Albert-Bernard (Omar), 44, 60
- border inviolability, 55
- Bowie, Robert, 37, 92
- Brement, Marshall, 102, 106
- Brewton, U.S.S., 97
- Brezhnev, Leonid I., 46, 66, 84, 85
- Brown, Gen. George S., 4, 11, 37, 46, 54, 64
- Brown, Harold:
- Eritrean insurgency, 7
- former Soviet military facilities in Somalia, 45
- illegal transfer of Saudi arms to Somalia, 58
- Kagnew Station, 5, 6
- meetings:
- naval task force planning for Red Sea area, 50, 51, 58
- non-aligned movement pressure on Cuba, 77
- Ogaden War, 58, 62
- PD/NSC–32, 64
- PRM/NSC 21, 4
- U.S. Horn of African options, 36
- U.S. military aid to Ethiopia, 12
- U.S. military intervention in Somalia, 107
- U.S. use of military facilities in Somalia, 96, 97
- Brzezinski, Zbigniew:
- analysis of developments in Horn of Africa, 87
- Angola, 65
- collection of intelligence on Horn of Africa issues, 37
- covert actions, 43, 52, 103
- Djibouti as assessed by CIA, 95
- Eritrean insurgency, 78
- Ethiopia, 12, 43, 49, 87, 102
- Henze’s report on Horn of Africa trip, 29
- Horn of Africa Working Group, 94
- Kagnew Station, 5, 6
- meetings:
- naval task force planning for Red Sea area, 50, 51, 58
- non-aligned movement pressure on Cuba, 77
- Ogaden War, 26, 58, 62, 66, 68
- Somalia:
- U.S. Horn of Africa policy, 55
- U.S.-Soviet relations, 66
- Bulgaria, 36
- Bureau of Intelligence and Research, 59
- Byrd, Robert C., 15
- Cahill, Jacklyn, 17
- Cameroon, 31
- Carlucci, Frank, 76, 82, 103
- Carrara-Cagni, Giancarlo, 44
- Carter, James Earl:
- Eritrean insurgency, 78
- Ethiopia:
- human rights, 20
- meetings:
- messages:
- naval task force planning for Red Sea area, 64
- Ogaden War:
- press conferences, 42
- PRM/NSC 21, 4
- Somalia:
- Soviet role in Horn of Africa, 40
- Soviet-Somali break, proposal for, 32
- U.S. economic aid to Sudan, 94
- visits, Europe (May 1977), 17
- Castro, Fidel:
- Castro, Raúl, 56, 100
- Central Intelligence Agency:
- attempted coup in Somalia, 81
- covert actions by, 52, 79, 103, 110
- Cuban troop levels in Ethiopia, 100
- Cuban troops in Ethiopia, 49
- Djibouti as assessed by, 95
- Eritrean insurgency, 78, 84
- evacuation of U.S. personnel from Ethiopia, 14
- Horn of Africa Working Group, 94
- Intelligence Memoranda, 8, 67, 68, 81, 84
- Ogaden update by, 88
- PDRY proposal of, 75
- “Proposed Covert Action Regarding Ethiopia” (paper), 37
- Siad’s pledge to support Ogaden rebels, 101
- Soviet airlift, 37
- Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), 54
- Chapin, Frederic Lincoln, 82, 92, 94, 103, 104, 108
- China, People’s Republic of:
- Christopher, Warren M.:
- Clark, Richard C., 54
- Clift, A. Denis, 30, 33
- coffee, 102
- collectivization, 102
- colonialism, 85
- communications, 79, 82, 89
- Comprehensive Test Ban (CTB), 36
- Congress, Acts of:
- Congress, U.S.:
- Constellation, U.S.S., 95, 96
- covert actions:
- Crawford, William, 83
- Cuba:
- African role of, 85
- Algeria, relations with, 84
- Chinese People’s Republic, relations with, 77
- combat troops in Angola, 52, 62, 65, 84
- combat troops in Ethiopia:
- covert actions against Ethiopian intervention by, 43
- Eritrean insurgency, 73, 78, 82, 84
- Ethiopian government as supported by, 4
- Horn of Africa, 83
- Iraq, relations with, 84
- Libya, relations with, 84
- Non-aligned movement pressure on, 77, 82
- Ogaden War, 36, 87
- Rhodesian role for, 65, 66
- Somalia, relations with, 7
- Soviet Union, relations with, 84
- Syria, relations with, 84
- U.S. economic pressures on, 66, 73
- U.S. naval bases in Djibouti, 95
- U.S. reconnaisance flights over, 75
- Cutter, Bowman, 75
- Dahlak Islands, 87
- Daoud Khan, Mohammed, 77
- Davis, U.S.S., 96, 97
- Dawit Wolde Georgis, 57
- Defense, U.S. Department of (DOD):
- Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), 97, 100
- Denend, Leslie, 87, 88, 91
- Deng, Francis M., 29, 94
- Deressa, Berhane, 29
- Desai, Morarji, 46, 66
- détente, 66
- Detinov, N. N., 85
- Diego Garcia, 62, 64
- Diredawa, 26, 87, 94
- Dirg, 2, 10, 23, 43, 102
- disinformation, 65
- Djibouti (see also Horn of Africa):
- CIA assessment of, 95
- economic crisis from cutoff of transit trade, 26
- Ethiopian-Somali conflict over, possible, 8, 10
- France, relations with, 30
- French military forces in, 10, 11, 39, 95
- independence for, 4, 20
- Israeli interests in, 10
- lessening of tensions in, 29
- OAU membership for, 10
- Ogaden War as seen by, 30
- refugees in, 30, 33
- Saudi Arabia, relations with, 10, 95
- territorial integrity as OAU principle, 75
- terrorism in, possible, 10
- U.S. courses of action in, 87
- U.S. economic aid to, 27, 28, 30, 33
- U.S. use of military facilities in, 94, 95, 96
- Dobrynin, Anatoliy F.:
- Dobrynin initiative, 44
- document not declassified, 25
- drought relief, 3
- Duale, Brig. Gen. Adan Abdi, 101
- Duncan, Charles W., Jr., 27, 58, 75, 76, 79
- Duncan, William, 11
- Eastern Europe, 4
- Egypt:
- blockade of Suez Canal, possible, 36
- Eritrean insurgency as supported by, 79
- Libyan conflict with, 53
- military aid to Somalia:
- Ogaden War as seen by, 31, 65, 67
- overflight rights, 36
- Soviet Horn of Africa role, 10, 40
- United States, relations with, 58
- U.S. economic aid for, 94
- U.S. military intervention in Somalia, 107
- U.S. naval bases in Djibouti, 95
- Egyptian-Sudanese Mutual Defense Treaty (1976), 84
- Elliott, Randall T., 53
- “USS Enterprise” (aircraft carrier), 58
- Equatorial Guinea, 97
- Erb, Guy, 55
- Eritrea:
- as affected by Soviet Bloc military aid to Ethiopia, 48
- Arab states support for independence of, 2
- black African support for Ethiopian control of, 2
- hope for internal autonomy by, 10
- as part of proposed Socialist federation, 21
- refugees from, 83, 92
- religion in, 83
- Sudanese position, 29
- U.S. neutrality toward independence of, 10
- U.S. policy on, 76, 78
- Eritrean insurgency (see also Ethiopia):
- Algerian position, 84
- Arab desire for negotiated settlement, 84
- Arab support for, 5, 10, 62
- attacks near Kagnew by, 5
- CIA views on, 78, 84
- Cuba’s training of rebels of, 84
- Cuban position, 84
- Cubans in combat roles against, 73, 78, 82, 84
- Egyptian support for, 79
- Ethiopian successes against, 87
- indefinite continuation of, 102
- independence as objective of, 110
- insurgent perspectives on, 84
- Iraqi position, 10, 62, 84
- Italy as potential mediator with, 87
- Libyan position, 84
- lull in Ethiopian military efforts against, 2
- military assessment of, 9
- OAU role in, 83
- Ogaden War as affected by, 44
- PDRY position, 84
- regaining of territory by, 102
- Saudi support for, 10, 62, 78, 79
- SCC discussion of, 76, 78
- seizure of Nacfa by, 6
- Soviet opposition to, 10
- Soviet position, 78, 84, 85
- Sudanese desire for negotiated settlement, 29
- Sudanese support for, 5, 62, 78, 79, 84
- Syrian position, 84
- U.S. approach to, 76, 82
- Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF), 2, 84
- Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF), 29, 84, 86
- Ermarth, Fritz, 94, 102, 106
- Ethiopia (see also Eritrean insurgency;
Horn of Africa; Ogaden War):
- air raids over Somalia by, 44
- army morale in, 22
- CIA memorandum on implications of revolution in, 8
- covert actions in:
- CPR economic aid to, 10
- Cuban combat troops in:
- Djibouti as possible cause of conflict with Somalia, 8, 10
- economic situation in, 102
- evacuation of U.S. personnel from, 14, 15, 16
- Horn Working Group assessment of conditions in, 94
- human rights violations by, 10
- internal security in, 94
- Iran, relations with, 26
- Israel, relations with, 8, 10, 36
- Jijiga as recaptured by, 69
- Kenyan mission to, 65
- Libya, relations with, 4, 8
- Mengistu’s solidifying of power in, 2, 10, 94, 102
- military situation in, 102
- Ogaden as autonomous part of, proposed, 44
- Ogaden War as seen by, 31, 57, 58, 61
- PDRY, relations with, 2, 8
- political situation in, 102
- political violence in, 41
- radicalization of, 1
- Saudi Arabia, relations with, 26
- Somali invasion as announced by, 23
- Somalia, relations with, 2
- Soviet Generals’ role in, 59
- Soviet impact on relations with Somalia, 2
- Soviet influence in:
- Soviet military aid to, 10, 17, 35, 36, 37, 48
- Soviet military facilities in, 95
- territorial integrity as OAU principle, 75
- United States, relations with, 10, 38, 66, 74, 79
- U.S. economic aid to, 10, 11, 27, 28, 82, 92
- U.S. military aid to, 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 47
- U.S. reconnaisance flights over, 73
- U.S. support for opposition leaders in, 110
- USIS role in, 10
- Yugoslavian transfer of tanks to, 21
- Ethiopia Working Group, 14, 15
- Ethiopian Provisional Military Government (EPMG), 10, 15, 23
- Gabon, 31, 54, 56, 58
- Galla (people), 26, 102
- Garba, Joseph Nanven, 31, 44, 58
- Gates, Robert, 58, 62, 94
- Gebre Kidan, Tesfaye, 100, 102
- Gedle-Ghiorgis, Felleke, 23, 29, 57, 82
- genocide, 43
- Georgy, Guy, 44
- Germany, Democratic Republic of (GDR), 84, 85
- Gilligan, John J., 30
- Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry, 11, 39, 46
- Giscard initiative, 54
- Glassman, Jon D., 3
- Gondar Province (Ethiopia), 84, 102
- Gonzalez Amendment, 82, 92
- Gouled, Hassan, 30, 33, 95, 96
- Greater Somalia as Somali goal, 10
- Greece, 36
- Gromyko, Andrei, 31, 39, 65, 85
- Guiringaud, Louis de, 39
- Habib, Philip C., 29, 32
- Halane Political Indoctrination Institute, 101
- Hannifin, Patrick J., 27
- Hanson, Carl Thor, 61
- Harar, 26, 87, 94
- Harrop, William C.:
- Health, Education and Welfare, U.S. Department of, 33
- Helman, Gerald B., 3
- Henze, Paul B.:
- Addou-Carter meeting, 20
- analysis of developments in Horn of Africa, 87
- Army Corps of Engineers study in Somalia, 91
- covert actions, 43, 94
- Djibouti as assessed by CIA, 95
- Ethiopia, 43, 49, 87, 94, 102
- Horn of Africa Working Group, 94
- meetings:
- Ogaden War, 26, 68
- political situation in Somalia, 26
- report on Horn of Africa trip by, 29
- Somalia’s increased involvement in Ogaden insurrection, 106
- U.S. Horn of Africa policy, 55
- U.S. military aid to Somalia, 86
- Hickenlooper Amendment, 82, 92
- Hitler, Adolf, 68
- Holloway, Anne Forrester, 11
- Holloway, Adm. James L., III, 75
- Horn of Africa (see also Djibouti;
Ethiopia; Somalia):
- Arab states’ concern with Soviet role in, 10
- arms embargo in, 27
- Bureau of Intelligence and Research report on, 59
- Castro’s diplomatic efforts in, 7
- Chinese People’s Republic interests of, 10, 29
- Cuban role in, 83
- five-power meetings on, 44
- French-U.S. discussions on, 11
- geographical significance of, 87
- Henze’s report on trip to, 29
- Israeli interests in, 10
- Italian-U.S. discussions on, 11
- PDRY role in, 83
- Saudi perspective on, 83
- Socialist federation in, proposed, 17, 18, 20, 21
- Soviet influence in, 10, 40
- Soviet-U.S discussions on, 56
- strategic importance lacking in, 10
- UN initiatives on, 54, 56
- U.S. analysis of developments in, 87
- U.S. collection of intelligence on issues in, 37
- U.S.-Kenyan relations as affected by issues in, 4
- U.S. options in, 36
- U.S. policy toward, 1, 4, 10, 27, 55
- U.S.-Saudi cooperation over, 20
- Working Group for, 94
- Houphouët-Boigny, Félix, 39
- House of Representatives, U.S., 21
- Hughes-Ryan Amendment (1974), 52
- human rights, 10, 20, 79, 93
- Humera, 2, 10
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 48
- Humphrey, Muriel, 48
- Hunter, Robert, 55, 106
- Huntington, Samuel, 87
- Ibrahim, Ahmed, 30
- Inderfurth, Karl F. “Rick,” 75
- India, 39, 79
- Indian Ocean, 36, 58, 95
- Indo-Pakistani War (1971), 58
- Indonesia, 77, 79
- intelligence:
- Intelligence Memorandum - “The Ethiopian Revolution and Its Implications,” 8
- International Labor Organization (ILO), 102
- International Military Education and Training (IMET), 89, 92
- International Monetary Fund (IMF), 82, 87
- International Women’s Day, 69
- Iran:
- Iraq:
- Israel, 8, 10, 29, 36, 58
- Issa clan, 10, 95
- Italy, 11, 65, 87
- Ivory Coast, 31, 39
- Kagnew Station:
- Kamil, Abdallah, 30
- Kara Mara Pass, 69
- Katanga, 85
- Kaunda, Kenneth, 65, 86
- Kennedy Library (Addis Ababa University), 57
- Kenya:
- arms transfers to Somalia, 62
- British military aid to, 10
- Carter’s meeting with delegation from, 65
- evacuation of U.S. personnel from Ethiopia, 14
- Horn Working Group assessment of conditions in, 94
- human rights violations in, 93
- Israel, relations with, 29
- military situation in, 83
- Ogaden War as seen by, 31, 67
- overflight rights, 36
- Saudi Arabia, relations with, 29
- Somali irredentism as issue in, 7, 10, 34
- Somalia, relations with, 92
- territorial integrity as OAU principle, 75
- United Kingdom, relations with, 29
- United States, relations with, 1, 4, 27, 28, 86
- U.S. economic aid to, 11
- U.S. military aid to, 10, 76, 79, 82
- U.S. naval bases in Djibouti, 95
- U.S. policy review on, 4
- Kenyan-Ethiopian mutual defense treaty, 10
- Kenyatta, Jomo, 4, 10, 44, 87
- Khalatbary, Abbas Ali, 31
- Kikuyu (people), 87
- Kimmitt, Robert, 94
- Kissinger, Henry A., 5
- “USS Kitty Hawk” (aircraft carrier), 62
- Komer, Robert W., 103
- Komplektov, V. G., 85
- Korea, People’s Democratic Republic of, 55
- Korniyenko, G. M., 85
- Kramer, Frank, 61
- Krimer, William D., 85
- Kulmiye Afrah, Hussein, 3
- Kuwait, 95
- MacFarlane, L., 17
- McGiffert, David E.:
- McHenry, Donald, 76
- McMahon, John N., 43, 110
- Madagascar, 44
- Madani, Nizar, 82
- Makarov, V., 85
- Mansfield, Philip, 44
- Mansouri, al-, Abd al-Rahman, 58, 76, 83
- Marehan (Merrehan) clan, 10, 81
- Marine Amphibious Units, 36
- Massawa, 10, 59, 84, 87
- Mathews, Jessica Tuchman, 55, 87
- Mauritania, 39
- Mekane Yesus (religion), 102
- Mengistu, Haile Mariam:
- Aaron’s meeting with, 57, 58, 65
- Aaron’s messages to, 73, 74
- Carter’s messages to, 38, 41, 42, 46, 47
- DIRG’s purge and reconstitution by, 2, 102
- Eritrean insurgency, 84
- Ethiopia’s crossing into Somalia, 60, 62
- Ethiopian recapture of Jijiga, 69
- evacuation of U.S. personnel from Ethiopia, 14
- Israeli views of, 10
- overthrow of, possible, 26
- Siad’s meeting with (proposed), 44
- solidifying of power in Ethiopia by, 2, 10, 94, 102
- Somali support for Ogaden rebels, 86, 92
- Soviet military aid to Ethiopia, 17
- Sudanese views of, 29
- United States as seen by, 8
- U.S. covert actions in Ethiopia, 43, 79, 103, 110
- Merrehan (Marehan) clan, 10, 81
- Midway, U.S.S., 95, 96
- Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG), 6, 10, 13, 14, 51
- Military Assistance Program (MAP), 10
- military attachés, 19, 21, 65, 89
- military intelligence, 50, 51
- Minić, Miloš, 21
- missiles, 40, 53
- Mkapa, Benjamin W., 31
- Mobutu Sese Seko, 85
- Mombasa, 95
- Mondale, Walter F.:
- Moose, Richard M.:
- Moose, Robert, 58
- Morocco, 39
- Mozambique, 31
- Mueller, Helmut, 44
- Mugabe, Robert, 66
- Murphy, Daniel J., 45, 103
- Murray, Robert, 75, 92
- MYSTIC STAR facilities, 5
- Nacfa, 6
- Namibia, 85
- National Foreign Assessment Center, 95
- National Security Agency (NSA), 95, 100
- National Security Council (NSC):
- National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), 36, 54
- nationalization, 102
- Naval Communications Unit (NAVCOMMU), 5
- Naval Medical Research Unit (NAMRU), 14
- naval task forces, 46, 50, 64
- Navy, U.S. Department of, 95
- Neto, Agostinho, 65
- Newsom, David D., 82, 89, 91, 103
- Nigeria:
- Nimeiry, Gaafar, 10, 40, 67, 87
- Non-Aligned Coordinating Committee (NACC), 77
- Non-aligned movement (NAM), 77, 82
- Nur, Brig Gen Adan Abdullahi, 101
- Obasanjo, Olusegun, 34, 46, 48, 58, 60
- Oberdorfer, Dan, 86
- Ochoa Sánchez, Gen. Arnaldo T., 100
- Odom, William E., 94, 102, 106
- Office of Intelligence and Policy Review, 110
- Office of Legal Council (OLC), 110
- Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 76, 94
- Ogaden:
- as autonomous part of Ethiopia, proposals for, 44
- CIA update on, 88
- Cuban involvement in, 36, 87
- depopulation of, 102
- as part of proposed Socialist federation, 21
- refugees from, 106
- reprisals against population of, possible, 44, 68
- Siad’s pledge to support rebels in, 101
- Somalia’s aid to insurgents in, 75, 84, 86, 92, 93, 94
- UNHCR access to, 74
- U.S. opposition to Somali occupation of, 62, 63
- Ogaden War (see also Ethiopia; Organization
of African Unity; Somalia):
- Aaron-Mengistu discussion of, 58
- Chinese People’s Republic-U.S. consultations on, 65
- diplomatic initiatives, 39
- Djibouti’s position, 30
- DOD paper on, 36, 61
- Egyptian position, 31, 65, 67
- Eritrean insurgency’s effect on, 44
- Ethiopian air raids over Somalia, 44
- Ethiopian announcement of Somali invasion, 23
- Ethiopian counter-offensive in, 44, 58, 60, 62
- Ethiopian position, 31, 57, 58, 61
- Five-power discussion of, 44
- French position, 39, 58
- French-Soviet discussions of, 44
- increase in possibility for conflict, 22
- Iranian position, 31, 39, 40, 65, 67
- Italian discussions with Somalia on, 65
- JCS position, 62
- Jijiga as recaptured by Ethiopia, 69
- Jordanian position, 67
- Kenyan mission to Ethiopia over, 65
- Kenyan position, 31, 67
- Lebanese position, 67
- Nigerian mediation in Lagos meetings, 58
- Nigerian position, 31, 34, 39, 44, 65
- NSC discussion of, 62, 67
- Owen-Gromyko discussion of, 31
- political settlement in, 66
- possible outcomes to, 61
- quadripartite consultations on, 34
- Saudi position, 39, 65, 67
- SCC discussion of, 73
- Siad’s denial of Somali involvement in, 62
- Somali advances in, 35
- Somali counterattack in, 65
- Somali determination for continuation of, 34, 65
- Somali military officers’ dispute with Siad over, 60
- Somali position, 61, 62
- Somali withdrawal, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74
- Soviet military role in, 59, 67
- Soviet position, 31, 33, 61
- Soviet-U.S. discussions on, 56
- Soviet-U.S. relations as affected by, 36, 66
- Soviet win in, possible repercussions of, 67
- Sudanese position, 29, 58, 65, 67
- Tanzanian position, 31
- UN initiatives, possible:
- U.S. consultations with foreign ministers over, 31
- U.S. options in, 26, 36
- U.S. policy and options for, 26, 55, 65
- U.S. preferred outcomes in, 61
- Vance’s messages to Siad on, 70
- Yugoslavia as possible mediator in, 31
- oil, 54, 102, 105
- Oman, 95, 96
- Organization of African Unity (OAU) (see
also Ogaden War):
- charter of, 75
- Djibouti as member of, 10
- Eritrean insurgency, 83, 84
- Ethiopian announcement of Somali invasion, 23
- as mediator in Ogaden War:
- Non-aligned movement pressure on Cuba, 77
- summit meeting (Khartoum, 1978), 87
- territorial integrity as principle of, 44, 75
- Oromo (people), 26, 110
- overflight rights, 36
- Owen, David, 31, 44
- P. L. 480, 30, 33, 73, 75
- Pahlavi, Shah Reza, 40, 54, 62, 65, 95
- Pakistan, 58, 64
- Palestinians, 84
- Parmenter, William K., 11, 27, 37, 73, 75, 92
- Pastor, Robert A., 55
- Peace Corps, 10
- perception management, 65
- Pérez, Carlos Andrés, 46
- Perspectives procedure, 52
- Petrov, Gen. Vasily I., 58, 59, 62, 64, 84
- Petterson, Donald K., 98, 105
- Podgorny, Nikolai V., 17, 21
- Policy Review Committee (PRC):
- political parties and revolutionary groups:
- Communist (Sudan), 10
- Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), 10
- Ethiopian Democratic Union (EDU), 2, 4, 10, 102
- Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Party (EPRP), 2, 10, 29, 102
- National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), 36, 54
- Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party, 101
- Tigre People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), 102
- Western Somali Liberation Front (WSLF), 44, 101
- Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU), 65
- Poniatowski, Michel, 39
- Post, Richard St. Francis:
- Powell, Jody, 85
- Presidential Directive PD/NSC–32, 64
- Presidential Findings, 43, 52, 104, 110
- Presidential Review Memoranda (PRMs):
- Press, Frank, 65, 66
- Provisional Military Administration Council (PMAC). See Dirg.
- Provisional Military Government of Ethiopia (PMGE), 43
- Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (POMOA), 2
- SA–7 missiles, 53
- Sadat, Anwar:
- Salim, Omar, 80
- Salyut (space mission), 65
- SAM II missiles, 40
- Samatar, Mohamad Ali, 93, 105
- Sanders, Edward, 89
- Saud bin Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, 82, 83
- Saudi Arabia:
- covert action as financed by, 110
- Djibouti, relations with, 10, 95
- economic aid to Somalia by, 7
- Eritrean insurrection as supported by, 10, 62, 78, 79
- Ethiopia, relations with, 26
- financing of U.S. economic aid to Somalia by, 98
- finlandization of, 66
- Kenya, relations with, 29
- military aid to Somalia:
- military and economic aid to Zaire, 86
- military intervention in PDRY, possible, 39
- Non-aligned movement pressure on Cuba, 77
- Ogaden War, 39, 65, 67
- overflight rights, 36
- Soviet Horn of Africa role, 10, 40
- United States, relations with, 58
- U.S. Horn of Africa cooperation with, 20
- U.S. military aid to Somalia, 83, 89, 90
- Saunders, Harold H., 53, 83
- Savimbi, Jonas, 62, 65, 66, 73, 75, 86
- Schaufele, William E., Jr., 3, 7, 11, 14, 15
- Sebastian, Peter, 3
- Seelye, Talcott Williams, 3, 7, 17, 20
- Selassie, Haile, 10, 83, 84, 102
- Sellers, U.S.S., 97
- Senate, U.S., 21
- Senegal, 31
- Sharif, Mohamed, 72
- Shawel, Teferra, 2
- Shoemaker, Chris, 109
- Shulman, Marshall D., 56
- Siad Barre, Mohammed:
- attempted coup against, 80, 81
- invitation for U.S. visit, request for, 60, 62, 73, 105
- meetings:
- messages:
- Ogaden rebels as supported by, 86, 94, 101
- Ogaden War, 34, 60, 62, 65, 68
- overthrow of, possible, 54
- political weaknesses of, 91, 94
- Soviet impact on Ethiopian-Somali relations, 2
- Soviet-Somali relations, 92, 93
- as Soviet supporter, 10
- third-country arms transfers, 60
- U.S. economic aid to Somalia, 17, 75, 98
- U.S. military aid to Somalia:
- visits:
- Sick, Gary G.:
- Signals intelligence (SIGINT), 46
- Singapore, 65
- Slocombe, Walter, 27, 61
- Smith, Lt. Gen. William Y., 11, 37, 73, 75, 76, 82
- Somali (people), 18
- Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party, 101
- Somali Salvation Front, 106
- Somalia (see also Horn of Africa; Ogaden
- aid to Ogaden insurgents by, 75, 84, 86, 93, 94
- attempted coup in, 80, 81
- balance of payments issues in, 105
- British military aid to, 21
- Carter’s statement on, 73
- clans of, 10, 81, 95
- CPR economic aid to, 10
- Cuba, relations with, 7
- Djibouti as possible cause of conflict with Ethiopia, 8, 10
- Egyptian military aid to:
- Ethiopia, relations with, 2
- European military aid to, 75
- former Soviet military facilities in, 45
- French military aid to, 21
- Horn Working Group assessment of conditions in, 94
- human rights, 20
- human rights violations in, 93
- Iranian military aid to:
- Iraq as oil supplier to, 105
- Iraqi military aid to, 26
- Italian discussion with, 65
- Jordanian military aid to, 76
- Kenya, relations with, 92
- Kenyan view of arms transfers to, 62
- Lufthansa hijacking incident, 32
- as militarily dependent on Soviet Union, 10
- Ogaden War’s preferred outcome as seen by, 61
- political situation, 26, 94
- refugees from Ogaden in, 106
- Saudi Arabian economic aid to, 7
- Saudi military aid to:
- seizure of territory in Ogaden, 24
- Siad’s support for Ogaden rebels, 86, 94, 101
- Socialist federation proposal, 17, 18, 20, 21
- Somali irredentism as issue in Kenya, 7, 10, 34
- Somali military officers dispute with Siad, 60
- South Africa, relations with, 87
- Soviet impact on relations with Ethiopia, 2
- Soviet influence in, 1, 17, 32
- Soviet Union, relations with, 92, 93
- Sudanese military aid to, 46, 50, 53, 54
- Sudanese troops in, 40
- territorial integrity as OAU principle, 75
- United States, relations with:
- U.S. economic aid to:
- U.S. military aid to:
- argument against resumption of, 86
- communications support, 79, 82, 89
- Congressional notification of, 54
- Congressional response, possible, 62, 75
- decisions against, 27, 32, 34, 42
- for defensive weapons only, 76, 98, 99
- options for, 10, 82, 88
- Petterson-Siad discussion of, 105
- posting of defense attaché, 19, 21, 89
- request for, 17, 18, 21, 96
- Saudi financing of, 75, 82, 98, 99
- Saudi position, 83, 89, 90
- SCC discussion of, 75, 79, 82
- sending of survey team, 88, 89, 90, 91, 106
- U.S. military intervention in, 107
- U.S. military presence in, proposed, 66
- U.S. policy in, 55, 75
- U.S. reconnaisance flights over, 73
- U.S. use of military facilities in, 96, 97, 105, 106, 108, 109
- visit to U.S. of delegation from, 108
- YAR military sales to, 18
- South Africa, Republic of, 54, 87
- Southern Africa, 58, 67
- Soviet-Somali Friendship Treaty, 10
- Soviet Union:
- African role of, 43, 85
- Africans’ view of, 29
- aid to Tanzania and Uganda, 11
- Angolan role of, 10, 59, 66
- as colonial power, 43
- covert actions against airlift to Ethiopia, 36
- Cuba, relations with, 84
- Eritrean insurgency, 78, 84
- Ethiopia’s crossing of Somalia borders, 60
- Ethiopian government as supported by:
- Ethiopian-Somali relations, Soviet impact on, 2
- former military facilities in Somalia, 45
- France, relations with, 95
- French discussion of Ogaden War with, 44
- military aid to Ethiopia, 10, 17, 35, 36, 37
- military facilities in Ethiopia, 95
- military facilities in PDRY, 95
- Ogaden War:
- Rhodesian involvement of, 65
- Socialist federation in Horn of Africa, proposal for, 17, 18, 20, 21
- Somalia, relations with, 92, 93
- Somalia as influenced by, 1, 17, 32
- Somalia as militarily dependent on, 10
- Southern Africa intervention by, 58
- United States, relations with, 36, 65, 66
- U.S. naval bases in Djibouti, 95
- space shuttle, 58
- Sparkman, John J., 58
- Special Coordinating Committee (SCC):
- covert actions in Ethiopia, 37, 43, 46, 79, 82, 103
- Cuban combat troops in Ethiopia, 58
- economic aid to Somalia, 75, 82
- Egyptian military aid to Somalia, 46, 54
- Eritrean insurgency, 76, 78
- Horn of Africa Working Group, 94
- Iranian military aid to Somalia, 46, 50, 54, 75
- meetings:
- military aid to Somalia, 75, 79, 82
- OAU as mediator in, 58, 75
- recommendations of, 62
- Saudi military aid to Somalia, 11, 46, 50, 54
- U.S. economic aid to Somalia, 75, 82
- U.S. military aid to Somalia, 75, 79, 82
- Spiegel, Daniel L., 70
- Spiers, Ronald I., 103
- Stein, U.S.S., 97
- Steiner, Steven E., 15
- Strategic Arms Control Talks (SALT II), 36, 58, 65, 66
- Subic Bay, 54
- Sudan:
- British military aid to, 10
- Chinese People’s Republic, relations with, 10
- CPR military and economic aid to, 10, 65
- economic situation, 29, 82, 87
- Eritrean insurgency, 5, 10, 62, 78, 79, 84
- Horn Working Group assessment of conditions in, 94
- Libya, relations with, 4, 10
- Mengistu as seen in, 29
- military aid to Somalia, 46, 50, 53, 54
- north-south divisions in, 10
- Ogaden War, 29, 58, 65, 67
- Soviet Horn of Africa role, 10
- troops in Somalia from, 40
- United States, relations with, 1, 4, 27, 28, 86
- U.S. economic aid to, 10, 94
- U.S. military aid to, 10, 11, 82, 92, 99
- U.S. naval bases in Djibouti, 95
- Suez Canal, 36
- Sukhodrev, V. M., 85
- Suleiman Abdulle, Gen. Ahmed, 17
- Syria, 10, 36, 84
- Tadessa, Tesfaye, 2
- tanks, M–47, 21
- Tanzania, 11, 14, 31, 36
- territorial integrity, 10, 44, 61, 75, 83, 84
- terrorism, 10
- Thornton, Thomas P., 11, 55, 79, 87, 106
- Tienken, Arthur T., 2, 15, 23
- Tighe, Lt. Gen. Eugene, 103
- Tigre People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), 102
- Tigre Province (Ethiopia), 84, 102, 110
- Tito, Josip Broz, 46, 65, 66, 77
- Toon, Malcolm, 85
- Toumayan, Alec, 30
- transhumance, 10
- Troyanovsky, Oleg A., 56, 65
- Tshombe, Moise K., 85
- Tuchman, Jessica, 55, 87
- Tunney Amendment (1976), 54, 65
- Turkey, 36
- Turner, Stansfield M.:
- Uganda, 11
- United Arab Emirates (UAE), 95
- United Kingdom (UK), 10, 21, 29, 73
- United Nations Charter, 44, 61
- United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), 102
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 33, 74
- United Nations Security Council (UNSC):
- Ethiopian announcement of Somali invasion, 23
- Ogaden initiative, possible:
- United States Information Agency (USIA), 14
- United States Information Service (USIS), 10, 14
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 89, 90, 91, 92, 98, 99
- Vance, Cyrus R.:
- Angola, 65
- Carter-Siad message exchange, 16
- Carter’s message to Mengistu, 47
- Eritrean insurgency, 78, 82
- Ethiopia:
- foreign military assistance to Somalia, 18, 53, 76, 98, 99
- French military forces in Djibouti, 11
- Kagnew Station, decision for closing of, 6
- meetings:
- naval task force planning for Red Sea area, 58
- Non-aligned movement pressure on Cuba, 77
- Ogaden War:
- PD/NSC–32, 64
- PRM/NSC 21, 4
- Siad’s message from, 70, 71
- Soviet-Somali break, proposal for, 32
- U.S. use of military facilities in Somalia, 97
- Vest, George, 65
- Vietnam, Republic of, 15
- Voge, U.S.S., 97
- Vorokhov, Gen., 59
- Vance, Cyrus R.: