185. Telegram 166469 From the Department of State to the Embassy in Kenya1 2


  • Israeli Rescue Mission

For Ambassador only

1. You should immediately get following oral message from Secretary to Kenyatta personally and if that is not feasible to Koinange or possibly Njonjo, whoever has Kenyatta’s absolute confidence and was probably involved in Israeli operations.

2. I have just learned with satisfaction of the rescue of passengers on the Air France flight hijacked earlier this week. I wanted you to know Mr. President that should Kenya be in the need of support in the days ahead the United States stands ready to cooperate fully.

  1. Source: Ford Library, National Security Adviser, Presidential Country Files for Africa, Box 3, Kenya, State Department Telegrams from SECSTATE. Secret; Niact Immediate; Nodis. Drafted by Schaufele, cleared in S/S-O, approved by Eagleburger
  2. The Department relayed an oral message from Kissinger to Kenyatta expressing satisfaction with the Entebbe rescue and offering U.S. support to Kenya.