109. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to Deputy Secretary of State (Rush) and Deputy Secretary of Defense (Clements)1 2
Washington, April 27, 1974
- United States Assistance to Ethiopia
Subsequent to the WSAG meeting on Wednesday, April 24, and studies prepared by the Departments of State and Defense pursuant thereto, it has been decided that in order to protect our interests in Ethiopia we should be as responsive as possible to recent Ethiopian requests for assistance. In particular, it has been decided that:
- 1.
- Ethiopia be provided $11.3 million of MAP materiel for FY 1974, as programmed;
- 2.
- FY 1974 and FY 1975 FMS credits to Ethiopia be increased by up to $6.0 million, subject to the availability of funds and the African ceiling. In addition, interagency agreement should be sought to offering these credits on concessional terms;
- 3.
- Ethiopia be offered for sale for cash up to $25 million in military equipment, including such sophisticated weapons as may be appropriate (e. g., Sidewinder missiles);
- 4.
- Every effort be made to deliver to Ethiopia some military equipment in an impact package to underscore the United States positive response to Ethiopia’s request. Airlifts should be used for deliveries where feasible. In addition, serious consideration should be given, subject to Service needs, to diverting some items from United States stocks or from materiel which may already have been earmarked for other recipients;
- 5.
- Economic assistance for FY 1974 and FY 1975 be expedited, in particular drought and recovery aid and the pending agricultural sector loan.
The addressees should take appropriate steps to carry out the above decisions.
Henry A. Kissinger
- Source: Washington National Records Center, OASD/ISA Files: FRC 330–77–0054, Box 15, Ethiopia, 1974. Secret. Copies were sent to the Director of Central Intelligence, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the AID Administrator.↩
- Kissinger advised that following the April 24 WSAG meeting, it was decided that the United States should be as responsive as possible to Ethiopian requests for assistance. Five specific actions were ordered.↩