703. Memorandum from Chase to McGeorge Bundy, July 231
- Cuba
1. New Cuban Protest Note
John Crimmins tells me that he rejected the Cuban protest note which the Czech Ambassador delivered at noon today. John says that the President spoke to the Secretary this morning about the note; they agreed that while the note should be rejected, it should be rejected on procedural grounds—i.e., the Cuban Government released the substance of the note to the press before they delivered the note to us.
John said that the Czech Ambassador (1) seemed embarrassed by the Cuban Government’s public release of the note, and (2) was generally mild and defensive.
[Typeset Page 1808]2. Free World Shipping to Cuba
State will be sending over a list of all the Free World ships engaged in the Cuban trade during the quarter April–June 1963, along with a list of the owners. Apparently our previous request to State for such a list got lost in the shuffle. State apologizes profusely; I do too, for not keeping closer tabs on it.
- Cuban protest note; free world shipping to Cuba. Secret. 1 p. Kennedy Library, NSF, Countries Series, Cuba, General, Vol. X, 7/63.↩