400. Memorandum of telephone conversation between McGeorge Bundy and Ball, October 251
Ball—Adlai insists on calling the President on the addition of a final paragraph, which would read as follows: “If satisfactory arrangements become effective the United States will be ready to negotiate the settlement of issue raised by the situation. We do not believe there should be insuperable difficulties in reaching a peaceful solution.”
Bundy—Would you give it to Alice. I am against it myself, what do you feel?
Ball—I think we have gone as far as we can go in wanting this damn thing out.
Bundy—I couldn’t agree more. Would you read it to her and I will get a direct negative from him.
- Additional paragraph for response to Khrushchev letter from Stevenson. No classification marking. 1 p. DOS, Ball Papers: Lot 74 D 272, Telcons—Cuba.↩