349. Circular telegram 700 to all Latin American posts, October 211

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This message not to be acted on until receipt later single word message “GO” and time President speech.

1. October 21 or 22 President Kennedy will make nationwide TV statement, text or summary of which will be sent you by separate message. Subject this statement will be situation created by proof we have that Soviets are creating offensive nuclear capability in Cuba, together with action we propose should be taken. This message covers actions required of you in connection with that statement.

2. It is of utmost importance that contents that statement and President letter (see below) be known in advance of statement to no one in Embassy staff except yourself, your secretary, DCM and CAS. Substance this message should also be provided to others than yourself only on a strict need-to-know and piecemeal basis.

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3. On receipt code word you should seek earliest possible appointment with FM or most senior official available in succeeding couple of hours and state that US has received intelligence information which suggests that sometime in next few days there may be concerted Hemisphere-wide attacks led by local Communists on established governments, public order and US property and citizens of unprecedented violence. You should suggest that quiet and not too visible but prompt measures be taken in order to be ready for such developments. You should also state that US will have stocks of riot equipment on call by air at short notice in Canal Zone. You should also say that you expect to have more specific information in the course of the day and therefore wish as matter of greatest importance to see Chief of State or highest ranking other official available later same day. (One hour in advance of President’s statement.) (FYI. You are authorized convey substance this paragraph to those constituent posts which your judgment should be informed in order make necessary preparations for likely local Communist activity. END FYI)

4. At appointment with Chief of State you should give him text or summary of President Kennedy’s TV statement if [Facsimile Page 3] received in time and also letter from President Kennedy to Chief of State contained in separate message.

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5. You should also inform him that at US request OAS Council is being called into session for 10 a.m. the following morning at which time the US will request approval for an immediate meeting of the Organ of Consultation of the Inter-American System to consider this new situation in Cuba. You should reinforce President’s letter by strongly emphasizing the importance of getting instructions to his OAS representative to support such action.

6. You should also reinforce the President’s request for support of a resolution by the Organ of Consultation taken as promptly as possible, and very preferably on same day, agreeing that the governments of the Hemisphere should take all actions they may deem necessary against Cuba as provided for in Article 8 of the Rio Pact. (FYI. For time being US primary interest lies in obtaining Organ of Consultation resolution which includes provision use armed force indicated meet situation including blockade. Such resolution would not rpt not require all states to use armed force. US will however quite probably seek agreement through Organ at subsequent meetings on other measures envisaged [Facsimile Page 4] Article 8 which we contemplate would be mandatory and binding upon all OAS members. END FYI) Proposed text of US resolution is contained in separate message and should be made available to him. All important arguments for such support are clearly set forth in President’s statement and letter.

7. You should make clear that this is a first vital step to deal with a major threat by the USSR to the peace and security not only of this Hemisphere but the whole free world. It is not possible to anticipate how this more intensified struggle against the forces of international communism will develop. Therefore it will be necessary to keep the Organ of Consultation in being to consider other actions which may become necessary or may be suggested by one or another of the member states.

8. You should also follow up President’s letter to discuss possible collaboration in military field by host country. If Chief of State interested, such collaboration can be arranged with special representatives US JCS and you should inform us.

9. You should inform Chief of State that in recognition of possibility of disorders fomented by local Communist elements on orders from Moscow and Havana against law and order and the established government and perhaps US property and citizens, the US has special stockpiles of riot control equipment in Canal [Facsimile Page 5] Zone available promptly by air on request to you. You should also state that if at any time he feels that under the provisions of the Rio Pact or the Punta del Este resolutions he needs assistance, the US stands ready to render all practicable help in the maintenance of law and order against the attempts of such elements to destroy democratic government. Such help will be available on as short notice as possible.

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10. You should report the results of your interview NIACT. All cable traffic unrelated this subject or other emergency should be kept absolute minimum.

All cable traffic this subject should be slugged EYES ONLY.

  1. Instructions for Ambassadors following the President’s nationwide TV statement on Soviet offensive nuclear capability in Cuba. Top Secret. 5 pp. DOS, CF, 737.00/10–2262.