327. Gilpatric’s handwritten notes of meeting, October 171

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Preferred Course of Action

1) Letters to K&C protesting MRBMs and declaring that workers removed at once (with satisfactory proof). U.S. will act to protest [?] against threat to its security.

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2) Absent satisfactory response to letters by [unclear] certain. U.S. government:

a) declares state of war with Cuba, acting under existing Cong. resol.

b) establishes blockade against all vessels entering Cuban ports

c) calls upon OAS to take complementary action in defense of West. Hem. under Rio Treaty

d) notifies UN of action taken in self defense

e) asks NATO allies for cooperation in blockade

3) Concurrently with 2) U.S.:

a) announces open and comprehensive air & sea surveillance of Cuba

b) alerts forces for air strikes against Cuban military targets in event Cuba moves militarily vs U.S. and prepare [unclear] for possible invasion

c) establishes air & sea defense for S.E. U.S. for possible invasion.

d) evacuate dependents from Guantanamo and strengthen latter’s defensive position.

e) alerts overseas forces against possible Soviet or [unclear] aggressive acts

  1. Preferred course of action. Top Secret. 1 p. WNRC, RG 330, OASD (C) A Files: FRC 71 A 2896, RLG’s Notes re Cuba.