272. Memorandum, September 61
- [name not declassified]
- Castro’s Instructions to Dorticos Before Belgrade Conference
According to sources considered reliable, Dorticos had absolute instructions from Fidel Castro and Che Guevara to have secret contact with the American Embassy in Belgrade at some time during the conference. According to these sources, there was a meeting in Castro’s private apartment in Havana, attended by Castro, Guevara, Carlos Rafael Rodriguez, Roa, and Dorticos, at which it was explained that Cuba was desperate for getting some contact with the United States, and that, in order to do so, it was willing to release three or four thousand political prisoners and even hold sham elections to elect something similar to a congress. The main purpose of the attempted contact is to get back the bulk of the sugar quota.
- Report on Castro’s instructions to Dorticos re contact with American Embassy in Belgrade during Belgrade Conference. Secret. 1 p. DOS, INR/IL Historical files, Cuba, August 1961—.↩