268. Draft memorandum for the files, July 171

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  • Salient Points of Mr. Woodward’s Report to Mr. Scott (7/14/61) on Meeting at White House on July 12, 1961, with Mr. Bowles, Mr. Dulles, and Mr. Goodwin
  • Mr. Bissell and Barnes were also reported to have been present

Mr. Woodward said the matter under discussion was the Agency’s May 2, 1961, proposal to cost $12,000,000 for a further program for Cuba. It was in three parts, namely: intelligence collection, propaganda and sabotage and other disruptive activities. This third category of activity was not related in the presentation to specific Cuban political groups.

Mr. Woodward reported that after the discussion, there was unanimous agreement that any paramilitary activities should be undertaken [Typeset Page 655] only through political groups and not as separate independent activities.

A new paper is being drafted by Messrs. Bissel and Barnes.

In response to Mr. Scott’s question, Mr. Woodward said that there was no mention made of any consideration being given to the use of B–26’s, C–46’s or any air base in conjunction with sabotage activities.

There was some discussion of the desirability of obtaining fast sea-going vessels for use in moving people into and out of Cuba.

  1. Salient points of Woodward’s July 14 report to Scott on a July 12 meeting at the White House. Secret. 1 p. DOS, INR/IL Historical Files, Cuba Program, Jan 21, 1961—.