265. Memorandum from Allen Dulles to General Taylor, June 11

[Facsimile Page 1]

On Friday, November 18, 1960, Mr. Bissell and I briefed the President-elect at Palm Beach, Florida. This briefing included a status report with respect to certain important covert operations and in particular the Cuban Operation. The particular purpose of the briefing was to bring the President-elect up to date with regard to the policy paper on Cuba which had been approved by the President on March 16, 1960 and to outline the progress which had been made towards accomplishing the aforementioned objectives set out in that paper, all of which called for action in the covert field.

It seemed important to advise the President-elect of these facts since he was receiving a large number of suggestions and was under considerable pressure from certain Congressional leaders who were not aware of the action programs which were being developed in the Cuban situation.

The purpose of the briefing was not to solicit the President-elect’s approval or disapproval of the program but merely to acquaint him of its existence.

Allen W. Dulles
  1. Summary of November 18, 1960, briefing of President-elect Kennedy on planned covert actions in Cuba. No classification marking. CIA, DCI (Dulles) Files: Job 80–B01285A, General Maxwell Taylor committee on Cuba, 28 Jan–21 May 1961.