1. Telegram 430 from La Paz, February 91

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Re Department’s A–62.

Notes to be exchanged 6 p.m. today. FONMIN issuing following communiqué for morning papers.

“Governments of Republic of Bolivia and USA today entered into an agreement whereby US will provide GOB with military equipment, materials, services and other assistance valued at $1,000,000 for its armed forces. This assistance is for purpose improving capacity armed forces maintain internal security and assist in economic development of Bolivia through such activities as construction roads and maintenance communications and river transportation.

Agreement was effected by exchange notes between their Excellencies, The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship of Republic of Bolivia and the Ambassador of USA.”

  1. Transmits text of Bolivian communiqué on U.S.-Bolivian agreement on U.S. military assistance for Bolivian economic development and internal security. Unclassified. 1 p. DOS, CF, 611.247/2–961.