740.0011 PW/5–3045
Memorandum to the Secretary of State by the Acting Chairman, State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee (Matthews)
Subject: Proposed Declaration of War Upon Japan by Brazil
Reference is made to your identical letters to the Secretaries of War and the Navy dated 23 May 194529 on the above subject.
[Page 626]The Joint Chiefs of Staff are of the opinion that, from a military viewpoint, it does not matter whether or not Brazil enters the war against Japan.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff recommend, in connection with any approach to Brazil on the subject of its possible declaration of war against Japan, that no commitments be made on the political level relative to forces to be supplied by Brazil.
If the Brazilians raise the matter of a token force, they should be advised to take this up on a military level after the declaration of war.
The Secretaries of War and the Navy concur in the above views of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Not printed.↩