711.35/4–2145: Telegram
The American Consular Representative at Antofagasta (Bonnet) to the Secretary of State
[Received 9:55 p.m.]
26. From Warren.38 “The Minister of Marine of Argentina39 yesterday in a letter to Vice Admiral Munroe40 accepted the basis of collaboration between the two navies including exchange of bases, mutual information and the other points proposed by Admiral Munroe in his letter to the Minister. The Minister of War last night requested Generals Brett and Edwards41 to give all possible help in expediting an Argentine request to be transmitted through our Embassy at Buenos Aires today that staff conversations be initiated and American personnel made available for training program along the same lines as in other American Republics.
Vice President Perón with other ranking members of the Government, including the President’s senior aide accompanied the members of the mission to the airport this morning for their 7:30 a.m. takeoff. General Brett and party are returning to the Canal Zone by way of Rio de Janeiro and the east coast.
The economic conversations that are to be carried on by McClintock42 next week with the Minister of Commerce43 will be closely related to the organization of strict control measures over German banks and commercial houses.” [Warren.]
- For explanatory information regarding Warren’s trip to South America, see circular telegram, April 23, 3 p.m., infra. ↩
- Presumably Rear Adm. Alberto Teisaire.↩
- Commander of the U.S. Fourth Fleet.↩
- Lt. Gen. George H. Brett, Commanding General, Caribbean Defense Command, and Maj. Gen. I. H. Edwards, respectively.↩
- John C. McClintock, Special Assistant to Assistant Secretary of State Rockefetter.↩
- Gen. Julio A. Checci.↩