Concern of the United States regarding the maintenance of responsible government in Italy 1

1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1943, vol. ii, pp. 402445.

[1009] The Secretary of State to the Chargé at Algiers (Chapin)

865.01/2316: Telegram

[1010] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State


[1011] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman)

865.01/2256: Telegram

[1012] The Chargé at Algiers (Chapin) to the Secretary of State

865.01/2336: Telegram

[1013] The Chargé at Algiers (Chapin) to the Secretary of State

865.01/2349: Telegram

[1014] The Secretary of State to the Chargé at Algiers (Chapin)

865.01/2336: Telegram

[1015] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman)

865.01/2256: Telegram

[1016] The Chargé at Algiers (Chapin) to the Secretary of State

865.01/2361: Telegram

[1017] The American Representative on the Advisory Council for Italy (Murphy) to the Secretary of State

865.01/2364: Telegram

[1018] The American Representative on the Advisory Council for Italy (Murphy) to the Secretary of State

865.01/2367: Telegram

[1019] The Secretary of State to the Chargé at Algiers (Chapin)

865.01/2385a: Telegram

[1020] President Roosevelt to the Head of the Italian Government (Badoglio)

740.00119 European War 1939/2557

[1021] The Consul General at Naples (Brandt) to the Secretary of State

740.00119 ACI/117: Telegram

[1022] The Consul General at Naples (Brandt) to the Secretary of State

865.01/2399: Telegram

[1023] The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Naples (Brandt)

865.01/2399: Telegram

[1024] The Department of State to the British Embassy

740.0011 European War 1939/34265

[1026] The Consul General at Naples (Brandt) to the Secretary of State

740.00119 ACI/129: Telegram

[1027] The British Embassy to the Department of State


[1028] The Consul General at Naples (Brandt) to the Secretary of State

865.01/2462: Telegram

[1029] The Consul General at Naples (Brandt) to the Secretary of State

865.01/2467: Telegram

[1030] The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Naples (Brandt)

740.00119 ACI/129: Telegram

[1031] The Consul General at Naples (Brandt) to the Secretary of State

865.01/2469: Telegram

[1032] The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Naples (Brandt)

865.01/2469: Telegram

[1033] The Consul General at Naples (Brandt) to the Secretary of State

740.00119 ACI/136: Telegram

[1034] The Consul General at Naples (Brandt) to the Secretary of State

865.001/14: Telegram

[1035] The Consul General at Naples (Brandt) to the Secretary of State

865.01/2494: Telegram

[1036] The Consul General at Naples (Brandt) to the Secretary of State

865.01/2499: Telegram

[1037] The Consul General at Naples (Brandt) to the Secretary of State

865.01/2492: Telegram

[1038] The Chargé at Algiers (Chapin) to the Secretary of State

865.01/2511: Telegram