865.01/2256: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman)
977. We have been informed by the War Department that the Combined Chiefs referred the suggestion contained in our 896, April 13, 3 p.m., to the Commander in Chief of the Mediterranean Area, who has replied recommending that in view of the present situation in Italy no initiative along these lines be undertaken with the Soviet Government. The reply continues that should the Soviet Government on its own initiative, which is doubtful, raise the question of representation on the political section of the Control Commission consideration would be given in the light of the then prevailing situation in Italy.
While we would have much preferred to have worked out some arrangement whereby the Soviet representative to the Badoglio Government [Page 1102] would have been brought within the existing Allied machinery in Italy, in view of the decision of the Commander in Chief, which from other information we believe reflects the views of the British Government, there does not seem any basis for a further approach to the Soviet Government on this question.