865.01/2494: Telegram

The Consul General at Naples (Brandt) to the Secretary of State

132. From Kirk. The question of the Crown Prince’s going to Rome with Badoglio and the party leaders when this group makes its trip to contact political leaders in Rome was considered by the Italian Government during its June 5 meeting and it was decided unanimously that for his own sake and for the success of the Government reformation negotiations the Crown Prince should not be permitted to go to Rome until after Cabinet changes had been arranged. Badoglio immediately informed MacFarlane of this decision (see my 123, June 5, 11 a.m.59)

Yesterday evening the Crown Prince informed MacFarlane that he was very anxious to arrive in Rome at the same time as Badoglio and the Party leaders and stated that it was his intention to go directly to the Quirinal and remain there during his entire stay in Rome except for one official call on His Holiness. MacFarlane told the Crown Prince that the Cabinet was against this visit to Rome prior to the reconstruction of the Government to include Rome representatives and advised the Crown Prince to speak to Badoglio on this subject.

MacFarlane reporting to AFHQ on this subject observed that if the Allies wished to establish the Crown Prince, there is much to be said in favor of granting the Prince’s request and noted that it was his own original intention to permit the Crown Prince to go to Rome with Badoglio and the party leaders.

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At the same time MacFarlane suggested to AFHQ a compromise arranging for Badoglio and his party to arrive in Rome at an early hour and to leave late in the afternoon and for the Crown Prince to arrive shortly after lunch going directly to the Quirinal where he will be allowed to receive visitors, to visit the Pope in the afternoon and return to Naples the next morning.

Promising to explore and report on possibilities of this compromise MacFarlane informed AFHQ that he intended to be guided by reports he expects from Rome on the probable reception the Prince might receive there. This matter is being discussed further with Badoglio this afternoon.

Sent to Department, repeated to Algiers. [Kirk.]

  1. Telegram not printed.