4. Agenda and Arrangements for the Conference

[194] President Roosevelt to Prime Minister Churchill

Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

[195] President Roosevelt to Prime Minister Churchill

Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

[196] Prime Minister Churchill to President Roosevelt

Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

[197] Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of European Affairs (Hickerson)

740.0011 European War 1939/30633

[200] Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of European Affairs (Hickerson)

740.0011 European War 1939/30633

[201] Prime Minister Churchill to President Roosevelt

Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

[202] President Roosevelt to Prime Minister Churchill

Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

[203] Prime Minister Churchill to President Roosevelt

Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

[204] Prime Minister Churchill to President Roosevelt

Roosevelt Papers

[206] Prime Minister Churchill to President Roosevelt

Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

[207] President Roosevelt to Prime Minister Churchill

Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

  1. The message originated at Quebec but was apparently transmitted via London.
  2. The message originated at Quebec but was apparently transmitted via London.
  3. The message originated at Quebec but was apparently transmitted via London. Roosevelt received the message in Washington.