Roosevelt Papers: Telegram
Prime Minister Churchill to President Roosevelt 1
Most immediate. Former Naval Person to President. Personal and most secret. No. 413.
First of all, the Governor General will meet you at a wayside station outside Quebec. Mackenzie King and I will also be there. The Governor General will drive you to the Citadel where a Guard of Honour will be paraded, and he would like to have a small reception immediately on your arrival where about forty principal persons could be presented to you. This can be cut out if you feel it would be tiring. In the evening, the Governor General will give a dinner in the Citadel to your personal party and mine to which Mackenzie King, the High Commissioner and one or two others will be asked—in all about twenty. I hope this will be agreeable to you. Anthony3 and Brendan4 will be there if they arrive in time.