740.0011 European War 1939/30633

Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of European Affairs (Hickerson)



Mr. Atherton, our Minister to Canada, informed me on the telephone (in carefully veiled and guarded language) this afternoon of the proposed Canadian procedure in connection with press announcements regarding Mr. Churchill’s arrival. When Mr. Churchill lands at the Canadian port Monday evening,1 the Canadian Government proposes to inform the press in strict secrecy that he has arrived and that his announcement will be made in Quebec Tuesday evening on the subject. This announcement will deal with Mr. Churchill’s conversations with Mr. Mackenzie King but will also refer to later conversations (presumably with the President and the Staff talks). The Canadians will give the text of this proposed announcement to Mr. Atherton who will telegraph it to us. The Canadians would like White House clearance on the procedure and the text of the announcement. After consultation with Mr. Gray I discussed this with Colonel Hammond, of the Map Room, the White House. I told Colonel Hammond that the State Department watch officer would send a copy of Mr. Atherton’s telegram giving the text of the announcement personally to Colonel Hammond immediately on its arrival. Colonel Hammond said that he would telegraph the announcement immediately to the President and ask for an urgent reply. He said that it might be possible to get back [Page 409] a reply by 6 p.m. tomorrow but that he of course could not be sure when the President would reply. Immediately upon receipt of a reply from the President he will let me know through the watch officer of the State Department in order that Mr. Atherton may be informed.

  1. August 9.