Memorandum by the Secretary of State reviewing the past attitude of the United States toward Russia—Reluctance of the American Government either to recognize the Soviet authority or to countenance a dismemberment of Russia—Overture from Chicherin proposing peace and commerce between Russia and the United States—Refusal by the United States to be represented on a proposed committee of the League of Nations to investigate conditions in Russia—Denial of diplomatic status to Ludwig Martens, arrived in the United States as representative of the Soviet Government—Formal statement by the United States Government of its views regarding Russia in a note to the Italian Ambassador; note from Chicherin to the Italian Ambassador—Deportation of Martens

[509] The Secretary of State to President Wilson


[510] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Davis)

861.00/6105a: Telegram

[512] The Minister in Sweden (Morris) to the Acting Secretary of State

861.00/6444: Telegram

[513] The Minister in Sweden (Morris) to the Acting Secretary of State

861.00/6446: Telegram

[514] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Davis) to the Acting Secretary of State

861.00/6453: Telegram

[515] The Ambassador in Japan (Morris) to the Acting Secretary of State

861.00/6506: Telegram

[516] The Commissioner at Riga (Gade) to the Acting Secretary of State

861.00/6517: Telegram

[517] The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Davis)

861.00/6453: Telegram

[518] The Commissioner at Riga (Gade) to the Acting Secretary of State

861.00/6552: Telegram

[520] The Chargé in Great Britain (Wright) to the Secretary of State

861.00/6617: Telegram

[521] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Great Britain (Wright)

861.00/6617: Telegram

[522] Mr. L. Martens to the Secretary of State


[523] The Secretary of State to the Attorney General (Palmer)


[524] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Davis) to the Secretary of State

861.00/6876: Telegram

[525] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Davis)

760c.61/90: Telegram

[526] The Secretary of State to the Italian Ambassador (Avezzana)


[527] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Davis)

760c.61/162b: Telegram

[528] The French Chargé (Beam) to the Secretary of State


[531] The Czechoslovak Chargé (Masaryk) to the Secretary of State


[532] Mr. L. Martens to the Secretary of State


[533] The Attorney General (Palmer) to the Secretary of State


[534] The Secretary of State to the Attorney General (Palmer)


[535] The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Davis)

701.6111/509a: Telegram

[536] The Minister in Switzerland (Gary) to the Acting Secretary of State
