Recommendations by the United States Government looking toward a stricter observance of the 1917 program of administrative reform38

38. For papers concerning the administrative reform of 1917, see Foreign Relations, 1917, pp. 877 ff.

[89] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Liberia (Johnson)


[90] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Liberia (Johnson)


[91] The Minister in Liberia (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

882.00/626: Telegram

[92] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Liberia (Johnson)

882.00/626: Telegram

[93] The Minister in Liberia (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

882.00/632: Telegram

[94] The Minister in Liberia (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

882.51/1052: Telegram

[95] The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Liberia (Johnson)

882.51/1052: Telegram

[96] The Minister in Liberia (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

882.51/1057: Telegram

[97] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Liberia (Johnson)

882.51/1057: Telegram

[98] The Minister in Liberia (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

882.51/1063: Telegram

[99] The Chargé in Liberia (Bundy) to the Secretary of State

882.51/1065: Telegram

[100] The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Liberia (Bundy)

882.51/1065: Telegram

[101] The Minister in Liberia (Johnson) to the Acting Secretary of State

882.00/636: Telegram

[102] The Minister in Liberia (Johnson) to the Acting Secretary of State

882.72/–: Telegram

[103] The Minister in Liberia (Johnson) to the Acting Secretary of State

882.602/34: Telegram

[104] The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Liberia (Johnson)

882.00/636: Telegram

[105] The Minister in Liberia (Johnson) to the Acting Secretary of State

882.51/1074: Telegram

[106] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Liberia (Bundy)

882.72/–: Telegram

[107] The Chargé in Liberia (Bundy) to the Secretary of State

882.72/2: Telegram

[108] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Liberia (Bundy)

882.72/2: Telegram

[109] The Chargé in Liberia (Bundy) to the Secretary of State

882.72/3: Telegram

[110] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Liberia (Bundy)

882.72/4: Telegram

[111] The Chargé in Liberia (Bundy) to the Secretary of State

882.72/6: Telegram

[112] The Chargé in Liberia (Bundy) to the Secretary of State

882.72/5: Telegram

[113] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Liberia (Bundy)

882.72/6: Telegram

[114] The Minister in Liberia (Johnson) to the Acting Secretary of State

882.72/11: Telegram