861.00/6517: Telegram

The Commissioner at Riga (Gade) to the Acting Secretary of State

120. Referring to my cable February 29, noon, 110.7 Bolshevik courier bound America carried passport reading Louis Muller, merchant Vienna, Series A number 587,885; also membership certificate Danish Red Cross Mission, good from February 15th to March 15th; also credentials giving his name as Anderson stating he was bound for America on behalf of Communist Internationale, signed by its secretary Berzin.

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I am forwarding following papers taken from him:

Proposed agreement for unification American Communist Party and American Communist Labor Party. This outlines basis of union, likewise proposed national federations, spreading propaganda among non-English speaking masses in their own tongues.
Letter from Zinovieff8 to the two previously mentioned parties written after having interviewed recently arrived American couriers and for purpose of closing present split American Communist parties. Letter states matter has been serious blow American Communist movement and has been discussed by Internationale. Letter advocates complete break with old Socialist Party. It states: “The most important task confronting American Communists at present moment is to draw wide proletarian masses into path of revolutionary armies proletariat for the overthrow bourgeoisie and capitalists.” Factory workers committees must be formed in America. Foreign-born elements earnestly advised work hand in hand with American ones. Large daily newspapers must immediately be founded. Underground organization with printing plant and distributing machinery must be started.
Appeal of Executive Committee, Third Internationale, Moscow, to I.W.W., signed Zinovieff, January 1920.
Various small films containing appeals from Third Internationale.

  1. Not printed.
  2. G. E. Zinoviev, president of the Executive Committee of the Communist International.