File No. 812.00/15758a.
The Secretary of State to Consul Canada.39
Department of State,
Washington, August 14, 1915—2 p.m.
Washington, August 14, 1915—2 p.m.
You are instructed to deliver following message immediately to all the prominent military and civil authorities in your district, handing copy to Silliman for presentation to General Carranza, and repeating to Progreso and Frontera.
[Here follows, in the Spanish text, the same message as that sent to Mr. Parker in the telegram of August 13, 6 p.m.]
Telegraph date of delivery to different State authorities.
- The same—omitting the passage “handing copy to Silliman … Progreso and Frontera”—to the following Consulates: Tampico, Chihuahua, Ciudad Juarez, Durango, Hermosillo, Matamoros, Nogales, Nuevo Laredo, Piedras Negras, Torreon, Mazatlan, Acapulco, Manzanillo, Los Mochis, Guaymas and Ensenada; and to the British Consul at Salina Cruz, changing the word “instructed” to “requested.”↩