File No. 812.00/15758a.
The Secretary of State to Consul General Hanna.
Washington, August 13, 1915—6 p.m.
You are instructed to translate following message and deliver same immediately to all the prominent military and civil authorities in your district. Telegraph date delivery to different State authorities.
Repeat to Consul at San Luis Potosi for like action, instructing him to repeat to Consuls at Guadalajara, Aguascalientes and Guanajuato for like action.
Department desires that authorities in Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi, Zacatecas, Querétaro, Guanajuato, Aguascalientes and Jalisco be duly informed.
[Here follows the communication, identical with that transmitted to Mr. Parker; see telegram of this date next above.]