File No. 893.773/25.
Consul Williamson to the Secretary of State.
Dalny, October 9, 1914.
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith this office’s English translation of railway notice No. 461 which contains what is known as the local reduced rates on goods from the three seaports Dairen, Antung and Newchwang to the interior. The rates from Dairen and Antung to Mukden and Tiehling have always been identical; there is no special rate in this category on goods from Newchwang to these places. In the new special rates made in this order No. 46, these conditions are practically maintained, and the reduction amounts to 15 per cent except that to Tiehling from Dairen and Antung, where it is 17 per cent. Thus the old rate discrimination against Newchwang is continued and the extra distances to Mukden of 137 miles for Dairen and 66.4 miles for Antung are still wiped out by the rates.
This step has been taken by the railway and sanctioned by the national Government on account, chiefly, of the exertions of business men at Dairen who demanded some such arrangement in order to put them on more even terms with those shippers using the Antung route to the interior.
I have [etc.]
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