File No. 893.773/23.
Ambassador Guthrie to
the Secretary of State.
American Embassy,
October 8, 1914.
Sir: Continuing my correspondence with the
Department on the subject of the apparent discrimination in the freight
rates of the South Manchuria Railway against shipments from Shanghai to
Newchwang and Dalny, I have the honor to transmit a copy of a memorandum
recently given me, at my request, by the British Ambassador.
I have [etc.]
Memorandum by the British Ambassador.
On June 22nd, 1914, the South Manchuria Railway Company issued a
notification with reference to the freight rates to be levied from
July 1st on certain through goods passing from Japan into Manchuria
via Dairen.
His Britannic Majesty’s Ambassador thereupon addressed a brief note
to the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs asking for an assurance
that, as he
[Page 600]
presumed was
the case, these rates apply equally to the same goods coming from
other foreign countries, e. g. Great Britain or the Colonies.
On July 20 Baron Kato replied that “at present only through goods
(either Japanese or foreign) from Japan via Dairen carried by
vessels belonging to the Osaka Shosen Kwaisha or the Nippon Yusen
Kwaisha are accorded the special reduced rates provided for by the
notification in question; but that hereafter, in the case of goods
from foreign countries, where application is made for through
transport, the place of destination of the goods being given as
Mukden or certain specified stations north of Mukden, there will be
no objection to such goods being accorded the same treatment, as
regards freight over the lines of the South Manchuria Railway, as
goods coming from Japan.”
On September 9th His Britannic Majesty’s Consul at Dairen addressed a
despatch to this Embassy enclosing a cutting from the Manchuria
Daily News of September 5th showing the freight charges to be levied
by the South Manchuria Railway Company on certain specific goods
imported into Manchuria via Yingkou (Newchwang) from October. His
Majesty’s Consul observes that these rates are practically the same
as those levied on similar goods entering the country by way of
Dairen or Antung.
British Embassy,
Tokyo, September 28, 1914.