File No. 838.51/453.

Minister Blanchard to the Secretary of State.


Your December 16, 4 p.m. Appropriations voted by the Haitian Congress for this is as follows:

Gourdes. Dollars.
(1) Pay and rations of the President’s guard 273.474.33
(2) Salaries of the President, the Government and Government officers 2.322.246.07 plus 83.451.87
(3) Pensions and life annuities 148,668.37 550.00
(4) Rents 81,291.68 3,150.00
(5) Subsidies to schools, public services, etc 65,475.00 1,950.00
(6) Other expenses 346,449.49 123,278.67
(7) Indemnities, and office expenses of the Legislative Body 4,800.00 84,000.00
Total 3,242,404.94 296,380.54
of which have been paid 774,047.24 121,719.67
There remains due 2,468,357.70 174,660.87
The former amount converted into American Currency at 440 per cent, giving 457,103.28
Making a total still due of $631,764.15

Of this amount the Haitian Government considers $500,000 to be urgently required to pay the balance of salaries, pensions, rents and indemnities of the months of October and November, 1915, and the full amount for December. Also the arrears on the budget for the year 1914–1915, notably salaries of September, 1915, which have not been paid in full in the provinces.

The Haitian Government attaches much importance to its being put in position to pay before Christmas arrears of 1914–1915, for which provision has been made in the loan now under negotiation.
