File No. 893.01/73.

The British Embassy to the Department of State.

memorandum. 20

The Japanese Government have communicated to the British Government a draft of instructions to the Japanese representatives at Washington, Paris and Petrograd, copy of which is annexed18 inviting the Governments of the United States, France and Russia to participate in representations to the Chinese Government in that sense.

After careful consideration of the circumstances the British Government have instructed the British representatives at Washington, Paris and Petrograd to make to the above-named Governments a communication in the same sense.

Having received from many sources information as to the rapidity with which events are proceeding in China, they have agreed with the Japanese Government that no time should be lost in tendering advice to the Chinese Government in the sense of the above-named communication. They have accordingly instructed their representative in Peking to proceed at once with the communication and to concert with his Japanese colleague as to the manner in which the advice suggested can best be tendered to the Chinese Government.

The British Government trust that the United States Government will appreciate the reason for proceeding at once with the communication without awaiting the reply of the United States and hope that the United States Government will deem it expedient to send similar instructions to the American representative at Peking, with as little delay as possible in view of the gravity of the danger which appears to threaten the internal peace of China.

  1. Handed to the Secretary of State by the British Ambassador October 27, 1915.
  2. See supra.