File No. 838.00/1116a.
The Secretary of State to Minister Blanchard.
Washington, February 20, 1915—3 p.m.
Encouraged by the work of the Commission in Santo Domingo, the President has decided to make a similar attempt to secure a satisfactory settlement of the difficulties in Haiti. Ex-Governor Fort of New Jersey and Charles Cogswell Smith of New Hampshire will leave here on the 27th via Santiago, Cuba, for Haiti. Governor Fort will bring full instructions with him. This information is given that you may make such arrangements for their coming as may be necessary. In order that the President may be as fully informed as possible before preparing final instructions will you please cable information on the following points:
First: Was Theodore regularly elected by the Legislature? If so was he elected for a full term or for the remainder of term partially expired? If latter how much time remains before the next election?
Second: When will the Legislature be elected again and what are the qualifications for suffrage? How large a vote is usually polled at the regular elections?
Third: What is the general disposition of the Legislature? Was it coerced into the selection of Theodore after his successful insurrection or was he really the choice of the members? Do a majority of the members now support him voluntarily, and is there a likelihood of their supporting any other successful revolutionists?
Fourth: What is the status of the revolution in that country now and what is the prospect of its success or of its suppression?
Fifth: Are there any economic questions involved in the insurrection, or is it purely personal and due to the ambition and popularity of the leaders?
You may add information on any other question which you regard as important for the President to know.