File No. 838.00/1115.
Port au Prince, February 19, 1915.
Saint Marc in the hands of Guillaume revolutionists 3,000 strong. Monplaisir, Minister of the Interior, killed there yesterday. Petionville, 3 miles outside of Port au Prince, in the hands of revolutionists reported to be partisans Charles Zamor. Jacmel in arms and General Hilaire, ex-commandant of arrondissement, proclaimed as chief of the revolutionary forces there. Has issued proclamation appointing ministers of revolutionary government. Here, great anxiety as to probable attack revolutionists. Preparations are being made to defend city. Numerous armed men in the streets. Food supply from the interior practically cut off and markets deserted. Water supply for the lower part of the town cut off by revolutionists at Petionville. Currently reported President contemplating resignation.