File No. 839.00/1658.

Minister Sullivan to the Secretary of State.


President Jiménes is threatened with trouble which may take formidable proportions in the near future. Horacista party for more than a week past has been assailing the Government with blackmailing; and Arias, Minister of War in Jiménes’ cabinet, has already made Jiménes pay tribute from his personal resources. Arias now threatens to join forces with the opposition; and this morning he offered his resignation to the President. The reason for resignation of Aries, as given by President Jiménes is, first, that Arias objects to American influence; and, further, that the President refuses Arias a free hand in running the Government according to Arias’ standards. President Jiménes finds great difficulty in the situation and asks for Legation’s advice and support. He has resisted Arias’ demands to control appointments. Jiménes asks further in the present difficulties to delay the reforms sought by us.
