File No. 819.1.052/53.
Minister Price to
the Secretary of State.
No. 658.]
American Legation,
October 29, 1915.
Sir: Referring to my despatch No. 648 of
October 16, I have the honor to transmit a copy of a letter from
Major General George W. Goethals, Governor of the Panama Canal, in
response to a request of mine for such suggestions as he might be
willing to make with reference to the practical manner for putting
into effect our demands herein. I knew that a quantity of arms, in
use, I think, before Panama became a Republic, were kept stored by
the Canal authorities for several years. Same, consisting of old and
out of date fire arms, were returned to Panama last year sometime,
when they were disposed of at auction sale to a merchant here at
quite a small sum.
[Page 1232]
General Leoniclas Pretelt, former Chief of Police here, tells me that
the Republic of Panama owns about 3000 rifles, of which 1300 are
here in the city of Panama and 250 in the city of Colon. He states
that they are kept in police headquarters and that 800 of those in
this city and 250 in Colon are an older make of rifle and that 500
of those in this capital are of a most modern pattern.
I have [etc.]
Governor Goethals to Minister
The Panama Canal, Canal Zone,
Executive Department,
Balboa Heights,
October 25,
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge
the receipt of your note No. 567, dated October 19, 1915, with
reference to disarming the National Police force of the Republic
of Panama in the cities of Panama and Colon, of their high-power
rifles, and the strict enforcement of the law governing the
carrying of concealed deadly weapons. In response to your
request I desire to submit for your consideration the following
recommendations in the premises:
- 1.
- That a committee of two be appointed, one to be
designated by the Governor of the Panama Canal and the
other by the President of the Republic of Panama, or
their representatives, to check the records of the
Panaman authorities relative to the number and location
of said rifles and the ammunition for same, and also to
supervise their collection and shipment to a designated
storehouse or building.
- 2.
- That the rifles and ammunition be stored in a building
over which the Canal Zone Government exercises
- 3.
- That an employee of the Supply Department be
designated to act for the Canal Zone Government.
- 4.
- That any high-power rifles in the possession of the
prison guards be replaced with shot-guns.
- 5.
- That, a copy of the Executive Order No. 68, under date
of November 7, 1913, relative to the regulations for
carrying firearms, be furnished the Panaman authorities,
with the request that similar regulations be adopted by
them, with a view of breaking up the general practice of
carrying firearms by the public at large in the Republic
of Panama.