File No. 312.51/121.
The Secretary of State to the French Ambassador.
Washington, April 12, 1915.
My dear Mr. Ambassador: Referring to previous correspondence in regard to the seizure of the Korrigan II, and the threatened seizure of the Korrigan III, which steamers belong to the Boleo Company, of Santa Rosalía, Mexico, I beg to quote, for your information, a telegram from Admiral Howard, dated April 8, addressed to the Secretary of the Navy:
U. S. S. Denver arrived Santa Rosalía seven a.m. Thursday. Guerrero Santa Rosalía with orders take Korrigan III and give Korrigan II back to Boleo Company, but awaiting further orders Vera Cruz, Mexico. Ziegmeir arranged for conference on board U. S. S. Denver, eleven a.m. Thursday. Korrigan II en route Salina Cruz, Mexico, 1260 miles south of Santa Rosalía. Request French Ambassador be informed.
I am [etc.]