File No. 812.512/688.
Mr. Sidney Smith to the Secretary of State.
Dear Sir: The American Consolidated Mining and Milling Co., with home office at Waco, Texas, own a number of mining properties [Page 974] in the State of Oaxaca, Mexico. We are delinquent on taxes for the reason that Oaxaca is now in a state of rebellion, and we consider there is no one in authority to collect taxes.
I have information that our machinery is being stolen, as well as every thing else that can be carried away, and our guards were killed trying to protect our properties. The information I have is that we are receiving no protection whatever from any Mexican Government, and that being the case we do not feel inclined to pay taxes, and very likely be called on again should a new Government be set up, but are ready and willing to place the tax money in escrow.
Would be glad to have you advise us in reference to this, and any suggestion you make will be appreciated.
Yours very truly,