File No. 812.512/676.

The Acting Secretary of State to Consul Guyant.

No. 226.]

Sir: The Department encloses a copy of a communication,72 saying that the taxes on the property in Lower California of the company mentioned were paid to the de facto authorities at Chihuahua, which action was approved by the Department.

It appears that the company has been notified that its properties are posted for non-payment of taxes and subject to denouncement, and the company requests the Department to take the proper steps to protect its rights and interests.

You are instructed to bring the matter to the attention of Colonel Cantú and say that the Department insists that no action shall be taken looking to the forfeiture of the property mentioned and that in view of the fact that taxes have been paid on these properties in Chihuahua the owners are entitled to exemption from further payment of such taxes and to relief from any annoyances in connection therewith.

I am [etc.]

John E. Osborne.
  1. Not printed.