File No. 312.11/7062.
Consul Alger to the
Secretary of State.
No. 697.]
American Consulate,
November 19, 1915.
Sir: I have the honor to advise that on
November 18, 1916, I received wire from Acting Consular Agent at Los
Mochis, Sinaloa, from Topolobampo, stating that Indians and Villistas
had occupied the city, same having been abandoned by the Carrancistas;
that American property had been destroyed and American colony compelled
to flee to save their lives; that if assistance is not given at once,
the colony will lose their all and become destitute.
I at once called the attention of the local military authorities, asking
for protection; also wired to General Muñoz, military chief of this
State, and to General Dieguez. I herewith enclose copies of these
I have [etc.],
[Inclosure 1—Telegram.]
Consul Alger to
General Muñoz.
November 19, 1915.
I request protection for American property in Los Mochis. According
to advices received, Americans were compelled to abandon their
property and flee to save their lives.
I request the pursuit, capture and punishment of those responsible
for the killing of American citizen Goldsborough, assassinated at
Bateve on November 4.
I call to your attention your message of November 8. I am notified
from Cocoyolitas Ranch that, in spite of your orders, nothing has
been done to remedy the situation as to guaranties of foreign
interests in that locality.
[Page 843]
[Inclosure 2—Telegram.]
Consul Alger to
General Dieguez.
November 19, 1915.
I respectfully request protection for the lives and property of
Americans in the State of Sinaloa.
On November 4, an American citizen was killed at Bateve; on November
6, an American citizen was assassinated at Quimichis Ranch; on
November 4, the Cocoyolitas Ranch was raided; and on November 16,
American property destroyed at Los Mochis, and the American families
forced to abandon their property and to flee for their lives to
Up to date I have no advices of anything being done, in any of the
above cited cases, by the authorities to remedy the situation. I
therefore appeal to you.