File No. 365.117/11.

The Secretary of State to Ambassador Page.

No. 18.]

Sir: The Department has received your despatch No. 17 of November 4, 1913, in reply to its instruction No. 143 of July 15 last, concerning military service in Italy, with reference especially to the liability of naturalized citizens of the United States of Italian origin.

I enclose herewith a proposed amendment1 to the Department’s circular2 of March 18, 1901, entitled “Notice to American Citizens [Page 402] Formerly Subjects of Italy who Contemplate Returning to that Country You will notice that several changes have been made in this circular in view of the information contained in the memorandum and note from the Italian Foreign Minister, copies of which accompanied your despatch. Please inform the Department, after such further study and inquiry as may be necessary, whether the circular with the proposed amendments appears to be correct and fairly comprehensive.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
J. B. Moore