File No. 839.00/1560.

Commissioner Smith to the Secretary of State.


Sir: I send you herewith an English translation of the election decree and electoral law, which has only just now been completed. Furthermore, copies of the English translation will be mailed to you when ready. I am having them printed for the convenience and instruction of the observers and others who may require them.

I am writing this letter in the first person, as you doubtless know that Mr. White is still in the Cibao, where, judging from his movements so far and his plans so far as known, he is likely to remain for a considerable time, unless previously recalled by you.

Respectfully [etc.]

For the Commission:
Ch. Cogswell Smith


whereas: Owing to the way in which the present Executive Power was constituted in accordance with the political agreement which put an end to the warfare, the Legislative Power was virtually ignored, and the former was clothed with the faculties indispensable for the formation of a regular Congress which would scrutinize, sanction, and conclude the next election by which the definite Government of the Republic is to replace the present ad interim administration.

In virtue of the faculties with which I am invested I have issued the following


Chapter I. Call for meeting of the primary assemblies.

  • Article 1. Meetings are called of the primary assemblies of all the communes of the Republic, to be held on the 18th and 19th of next October for the purpose of electing the electoral colleges.
  • Article 2. The primary assemblies are composed of the male Dominicans more than eighteen years of age and those who are married or have been married, even [Page 253] though they have not reached said age. There are barred those mentally unsound, or legally or judicially incapacitated. There are likewise barred persons belonging to the active army or to any body organized on military lines, or to the police.
  • Article 3. The number of electors who shall form the electoral college in each province, in accordance with the distribution established by the Constitution of 1907, adopted in that of 1908, shall be as follows:
  • [Here follow tabulated statement of number of electors for the several provinces; regulations concerning qualifications of electors; registers of voting ballots; election boards; electoral college; etc.]