File No. 701.3911/37.

The Minister of the Dominican Republic to the Secretary of State.

No. 71.]

Mr. Secretary: I take pleasure in enclosing herein copies of the autograph letter by which Dr. Ramon Báez announces his elevation to the Chief Magistracy of the Republic to His Excellency President Wilson.

I avail [etc.]

Eduardo Soler

Dr. Ramón Báez, Provisional President of the Dominican Republic, to His Excellency the President of the United States of America.

Great and Good Friend: I take pleasure in informing Your Excellency that, by virtue of the resignation of General José Bordas Valdés, I have been designated to hold provisionally the office of Chief Magistrate of the Republic, of which high office I took possession on this date.

I am also pleased to state to you that, during the course of my provisional incumbency, all my efforts will be directed toward preserving and strengthening the good relations of friendship which happily exist between our two Republics.

Please accept my wishes for the prosperity of your Nation and for Your Excellency’s personal happiness.

Your true and good friend,

Dr. Báez

Ignacio M. Gonzalez,
Secretary of Foreign Affairs.