File No. 817.51/622a.
The Secretary of State to Minister Jefferson.
Washington, January 17, 1914.
Department’s August 17, 1913.4 Again request the President to furnish you complete list of all outstanding debts of the Republic and as complete a statement as possible of all other financial obligations acknowledged by Nicaragua. Go over all available data on subject thoroughly with Schoenrich, Thompson and Hamm with view to affording Department comprehensive and accurate understanding of the financial situation up to January first. You will impress upon the President that upon receipt of this information Department will devote earnest attention to determining how best to assist him in effecting complete financial reorganization; will also be prepared to take up Canal Treaty but desires first to determine what importance it will have in relation to financial situation. This data is earnestly desired in order that hearty cooperation between the two Governments shall result in practical remedy which may place Nicaragua upon sound financial basis. This Government can not of course hope to afford intelligent and lasting help to Nicaragua without a frank and full statement covering every phase of the situation.