File No. 817.00/2342.
Minister Jefferson to the Secretary of State.
Managua, August 24, 1914.
In a conversation with President Diaz to-day relative to recent disturbances in Bluefields and landing of marines from U. S. S. Tacoma, the President informed me that he has directed the Governor of Bluefields to conclude the matter by the deportation of Clifford Sands allowing the latter to leave on the first boat on condition that he sign an agreement never to return to Nicaragua. He also informed me that he had received no further information regarding the matter except that all was now quiet on the coast. The Legation to-day received the first report from the American Consul at Bluefields stating that at his request the landing of marines was effected without time to consult with authorities or with this Legation. He reports all temporarily quiet but that conditions may become worse if landing party is withdrawn before the canal convention is concluded. I have directed him to keep the Legation fully informed as to all further indications of unrest or political activity in order that this Legation may be instructed in time by the Department as to the steps to be taken with the officials of this Government.