File No. 817.00/2350.


No. 115.]

Sir: Referring to my despatch No. 109 of August 19, 1914 and telegram of August 24, relative to the recent disturbances in Blue-fields and the attack led by Clifford D. Sands upon the police barracks in that city on the night of July 6 last, and the decision of President Diaz to terminate the matter by allowing Sands to leave the country on condition of his signing an agreement never to return to Nicaragua, I have the honor to report that the American Consul at Bluefields has to-day notified the Legation that Sands has sailed from Bluefields for New Orleans on August 26, by the steamer Senator.

He reports that Sands can partly use one arm and that the other is useless, that he had in the beginning placed Sands in the paying ward of the local hospital and employed a surgeon, thereby probably saving Sands’ arms if not his life as well, and that he has had to pay all the expenses, including Sands’ steamer passage to New Orleans.

I believe that with the deportation of Sands the incident of his attack on police barracks is closed.

I have [etc.]

Benjamin L. Jefferson