File No. 812.512/327.
The Secretary of State to Consul General Hanna.
Washington, July 10, 1914, 4 p.m.
Your July 5. On July 4 Canova telegraphed from Saltillo that Secretary of Hacienda had directed port authorities Tampico accept New York exchange at prevailing gold rate and to facilitate movement of shipping.
Consul Tampico telegraphs July 8 that local port authorities had not received orders said to have been issued by Secretary of Hacienda. He says the orders should also be issued to Tuxpam authorities, as production tax in Panuco-Topila fields must be paid in Tuxpam July 15. As banks are not open will probably be difficult to determine prevailing rate of exchange.
Point out to General Carranza the injustice of authorities declining to accept Constitutionalist currency, in view of decree number 21, dated February 28, 1914, and signed by Venustiano Carranza, making it obligatory upon officials as well as the public to accept Constitutionalist currency. Department understands this decree has never been repealed. Earnestly endeavor to arrange with Carranza for the acceptance of this currency in payment of the bar and other taxes. If banks at Tampico were open New York exchange could be conveniently arranged. As they are closed it is practically impossible.