File No. 812.6363/48.

The British Ambassador to the Secretary of State.

Dear Mr. Secretary: I have received a telegram from Carden in which he tells me that he is doing all he can to persuade Huerta to give the necessary orders to the federal authorities to enable the employees to go back to the oil fields. The main difficulty was to induce him to enter into an agreement with the Constitutionalists. Carden added, however, that he thought he could obtain the Government’s permission for the foreign companies to resume work at their own risk if the Constitutionalists on their side would engage to respect the oil wells.

I received at the same time a message from General Carranza in which he said that the employees had left on their own motion, and could return, and also that orders would be sent to respect foreign property. So I informed Carden and I presume that as the federal general at Tampico has issued orders to allow the employees to return and the condition asked for by General Huerta has been fulfilled in respect to the promise of the other side to respect foreign life and property, it may be assumed that there is no objection to the return of the employees if the consuls and the naval authorities think there is no objection. But I cannot get into touch with Tampico.

Yours sincerely,

Cecil Spring Rice