The Hukuang loan

[177] Chargé Fletcher to the Secretary of State.

File No. 5315/347.

[178] Chargé Fletcher to the Secretary of State.

File No. 5315/348.

[179] Chargé Fletcher to the Secretary of State.

File No. 5315/436–445.

[180] The President of the United States to Prince Chun, Regent of the Chinese Empire.

File No. 5315/351a.

[181] The Secretary of State to Chargé Fletcher.

File No. 5315/348.

[182] Chargé Fletcher to the Secretary of State.

File No. 5315/351.

[183] The Secretary of State to Chargé Fletcher.

File No. 5315/351.

[184] The Prince Regent of China to the President of the United States.

Received through the Chinese minister, July 19, 1909.

[185] The Secretary of State to Chargé Fletcher.

File No. 5315/359.

[186] The Secretary of State to Chargé Fletcher.

File No. 5315/360a.

[187] Chargé Fletcher to the Secretary of State.

File No. 5315/432–435.

[188] The Chinese Chargé to Minister Rockhill.

File No. 5315/393–394.

[189] The Acting Secretary of State to Chargé Fletcher.

File No. 5315/383a.

[190] The Secretary of State to Chargé Fletcher.

File No. 5315/416a.

[191] Chargé Fletcher to the Secretary of State.

File No. 5315/417.

[192] The Secretary of State to Chargé Fletcher.

File No. 5315/417.

[193] Chargé Fletcher to the Secretary of State.

File No. 5315/530–533.

[194] The Secretary of State to Chargé Fletcher.

File No. 5315/458.

[195] Chargé Fletcher to the Secretary of State.

File No. 5315/550–551.

[196] The British Ambassador to the Secretary of State.

File No. 5315/487.

[197] The Acting Secretary of State to the British Ambassador.

File No. 5315/487.

[198] Aide Mémoire.

File No. 5315/537.

[199] Chargé Fletcher to the Secretary of State.

File No. 5315/576–577.

[200] The Acting Secretary of State to Ambassador Reid.

File No. 5315/511a.

[201] Ambassador Reid to the Secretary of State.

File No. 5315/564–565.

[202] Chargé Fletcher to the Secretary of State.

File No. 5315/563.

[203] The Acting Secretary of State to Chargé Fletcher.

File No. 5315/563.

[204] The Secretary of State to Ambassador Reid.

File No. 5315/574.

[205] Ambassador Reid to the Secretary of State.

File No. 5315/603–604.

[206] The Secretary of State to Ambassador Reid.

File No. 5315/593.