File No. 5315/563.

The Acting Secretary of State to Chargé Fletcher.2


Mr. Wilson refers to Mr. Fletcher’s telegrams of October 263 and 27 and says on the understanding that the arrangement as to section to be built under American engineer in no way disturbs American rights secured under agreements contained in original and supplementary agreements, which department has approved, and that it affects nothing but engineering privileges, no objection is seen to it. Department assumes that the proposition relating to purchasing agencies is understood as expressed in its telegram of September 25.

Informs him that it has been informally pointed out to the German embassy here that at the suggestion of Germany the department had brought to the attention of the British Government the delay in the consummation of the loan, that reports from Peking had later indicated that this delay was due to Germany, that this Government was much gratified to have learned that there had been reached at Peking an agreement which the German minister and the representative of the German bankers had recommended to Berlin upon the one controverted point, and that it seemed now peculiarly in the power of the German Government to bring the matter to an instant conclusion.

  1. Same to London, Paris, and Berlin.
  2. Not printed.